So I've decided to start doing a house wide cleaning day on every Thursday because it makes sense for our lifestyle. My husband and I are very social people and I always want people to come over and hang out here. So all of our friends work Monday through Friday so the only days they can come and chill are on Friday Saturday or Sunday. So this way the house will always be company ready for the weekend. Anyway today I did the usual, cleaned the bathrooms, dry mopped the floors, did the laundry, did all the animal chores, etc... I also cooked this new recipe I found on Campbell' It's called cheeseburger pasta which equates to a fancy hamburger helper. My husband and I used to always eat hamburger helper when we first got married but then I started to cook real food. After about a year of me cooking all the time, I prepared a box of hamburger helper and to our surprise we hated it. Now keep in mind, this particular flavor of hamburger helper was our favorite but when you're used to eating real cheese and milk and fresh ingredients and then you go back to powdered cheese and milk, it's not pretty. But the recipe ended up being good with a few additions that I added. The original recipe only called for cheddar cheese soup, water, pasta, tomato soup, and hamburger. But I read the reviews before I made it and the consensus was that there wasn't enough water to cook the pasta, and that there was no flavor. So what I did was to not drain the oil from the ground beef to add moisture for the pasta so it would cook properly. I used spaghetti sauce instead of tomato soup because I really don't like the taste of tomato soup. I added fresh onions and minced garlic to the beef while cooking it. I also added a cup of fresh cheddar cheese, some oregano, garlic salt, cilantro (just because I love that seasoning), Italian seasoning, worcheschere sauce, and that's it. But it turned out great. I love experimenting with new recipes especially if they work out in the end.
While we ate, we watched the Celtics game against the Spurs and of course the Celtics won which a big win seeing that the Spurs are currently #1 in the west. GO BOSTON!!! I'm trying to start doing extra things around the house. For instance, the other day, I started a mini herb garden. No not that kind of herb. Get your mind out the gutter. What do you think I'm running here, a drug cartel. LOL Anyway, it's really cute because the set came with 6 tiny pots and seeds with oregano, parsley, and basil but I got the set at Goodwill a while back and the person who donated it, put all these extra packages of seeds in there including lavender, tomato, and some other flowers I can't pronounce. So in all, I started 6 pots. It was really cute because the set came with this little flat dirt thingy's that when you add 2 tablespoons of water they expand to form the correct amount of dirt for the pot. I think I added too many seeds per pot because they said only 4 to 6 but when I poured each pouch out, all these seeds started to flow out. Oh well, we'll see in 2 weeks whether or not the plants will grow. But either way, I have bigger plans than just a tiny herb garden. I want to use the unfenced portion of our backyard to start a real garden. I'm not sure what I'm going to plant yet but I'm going to start to do some research on how to start one of these things. I'm so excited. Then today, my extra thing for the day was to sweep the leaves from our carport which is where everyone enters the house. I didn't really pay attention to the leaves when we moved in or even over the last few weeks but it occurred to me today that the reason why there are little thin leaves everywhere when I do my weekly sweeping is because of these leaves that have been there forever apparently. So I went outside thinking it would be easy but they were everywhere. If you read my last blog you'd know that I found out from a neighbor that this house has been vacant for quite some time so my theory is that when fall came and went, the leaves just blew in the carport and there was no car to block them or people to move them. But after about 30 to 45 minutes I had the welcome mat cleared of leaves and the whole carport and I think it's going to make my life a lot easier every week.
I just like having a clean house even if no one is coming over. I think it's just something that us women feel pride about. Now those hoarders that you see on TV, I'm not sure about them. LOL But of course they have mental problems. On another note, we purchased Wrestlemania on Direct TV which is this Sunday coming up. For all of my wrestling fans out there you know what I'm talking about but for all others it's basically the WWE's big event every year. Of course you have to pay extra for it but this is the first one I've ever seen. My husband got me into it and I can't wait until Sunday. All I have to say is GO JOHN CENA!!! So yesterday I went a little crazy and had a movie day. I watched 3 movies pretty much in a row. I started with the movie "Penelope" starring Christina Ricci (I loved her since Casper), and the movie was awesome. I don't like giving movies away so I'll just briefly tell you a summary of each movie so don't worry. Basically Penelope was about a girl who instead of having a normal human nose, she had a pig's snout and pig ears but everything else was normal. But it was the result of a curse that was put on her family generations ago. It ended up being a comedy, romance but was really good. The second movie I saw was "Australia" starring Nicole Kidman which was absolutely wonderful. It was basically about the oppression that the Aboriginal people went through and about her cattle farm and a love story mixed in. But it was wonderful. I mean it's a long movie but it was worth every single second. The third movie I saw was I believe called "Pandorum" which starred Denis Quaid and it was pretty good. It was a Sci Fi, Thriller about the earth sending a ship to another planet that was supposed to be habitable. This was of course in the future but it had a lot of good twist and turns in it. Pretty cool movie if you're into stuff like that like I am. But sometimes I just feel like watching movies all day and I enjoyed myself.
If you've been reading my blogs before you know that I'm in the process of getting a fence put up in the backyard for my dogs. But because of the weather, my mom's friend hasn't been able to pour the concrete to secure the poles for the fence so there's all this fencing material just sitting in our yard just waiting to be put up. In the meantime, the dogs are still on the chains miserable. Oh well. But my husband and I prayed for better weather and between 3 days ago and now, the weather has changed from raining the whole week through Sunday to now not raining again until late Monday. So he should be able to put up the fence this weekend and I'm so excited.
I know I've been going on and on on this blog but I must say that I haven't talked to my mom in 2 days. It's because she's basically gone crazy I think. I'm going to try to summarize all the drama but basically the person that's installing our fence is my mom's ex boyfriend if you can call him that. He is very handy and can be very nice and sweet. But on the other hand, he is an alcoholic, cusses all the time, and can't keep a steady job because of, I think, emotional and control issues. So my mom has let him live with her a few times and it always ends with her kicking him out because he never contributes to the bills. So it puts me in an awkward position because when she's talking junk about him, I feel it's safe to join in and she just laughs about it and pretends everything's ok. But then when she's in good with him, then I'm the devil if I mention anything bad about him. So right now he's not living with her but they are on good terms. So when my husband suggested that we ask him to build the fence so that he could make some money, my mom was strangely opposed to it but my husband called him directly and got everything arranged because we wanted to help him out with some money in his pocket. So with all this weird wet weather lately, it's been touch and go on if he's coming over here and when he would be able to do the fence and so on. So long story short, every time I've called my mom in the last week, she has been very rude and over dramatic about the whole fence thing. But here's the kicker, I'm starting to question a lot of things because my husband and I have caught her in a lie, actually a few lies. So my husband and I went to the movies and when we got out I noticed she had called me so I called her back. So we were talking and I knew not to mention the fence thing because I knew that was a touchy subject but she mentioned it anyway and she was like "Oh my friend won't be there until Saturday because it's supposed to be raining all week" and I quickly told her that any communication regarding the fence was between my husband and her friend but that he had agreed to come the next day which was Tuesday and she was like "Oh, I don't know about that, when did your husband talk to my friend?" And I told her that day. So of course he came over on Tuesday but that same day, he called my mom and asked her if she had told me that he wasn't coming until Saturday and she lied to his face and said that we had not talked at all. So she lied to me about that. Then of course because of the drama that my husband asking him about what my mom had said about the weekend, she confronted me about that on the phone and accused me of trying to start drama. I'm not the one who lied. So then we're talking about the weather 2 days ago and we were trying to figure out which weather was correct because the local new station had 2 different forecasts. One that she saw on TV and another I saw on my phone. The one on my phone said it was going to be clear all week and hers said it wouldn't. So I dropped the subject and of course she brought up the fence thing again. So from me talking about the weather, she accused me and my husband of taking advantage of her friend, (even though we're paying him exactly what he quoted us after he measured the whole yard), she said that I was selfish, she said that her friend should have charged us more, she said that because we're 27 and 28, that we're too immature to understand anything, etc... You can see where this was going. So I stopped her and said "Mom, you're getting too angry and negative, I'm going to get off the phone so you can calm down" and of course she said "you're not getting off the phone, this is what you always do". Then she started dropped F bombs left and right and I hung up on her and haven't talked to her since. But here comes the second lie. So after the blow up, my husband called her friend and asked him straight up, "do you think we're taking advantage of you or that we owe you more money?" and he started laughing and when he found out that my mom had said this, he said that she never said any of this to him. He never said any of this to her and that he told my mom not to freak out if anything went wrong with the fence because he knows how crazy she is. So basically my mom has lied about what he said regarding the day he was going to finish the fence, she has lied about how he feels regarding the price of the fence. To sum it all up, she has been causing unnecessary drama and for what, I don't know. So I've decided it's healthier for me to not talk to her. I think her issue is that because I talk crap about her friend when he's not nice to her, she doesn't understand why I would ask him for help but what she doesn't get is that we were trying to help him by giving him a job so he could make some money which is what he usually has problems doing. Also my grandfather helped us out with the materials which were very expensive and I thanked him of course but she called me a spoiled brat because he paid for all the materials. He could have said no when we told him how much they were but he was fine with it. But even with all of that she should not be freaking out and treating me like this. I mean I didn't even mention the horrible things she said to me. The other day she said that I was "out of it" and that's why I haven't been able to find a job because employers can pick up that something is not quite right with me. I mean what mother says that to their daughter. I haven't done anything wrong. I am a good wife, friend, and daughter and if she thinks she can just treat me like dirt she is sadly mistaken. Anyway what do you all think about her antics?
I think that's about it for today. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Enjoying Life
So I haven't been on here for a while now. It's really just been because of laziness or just forgetting to blog but I'm going to try to do this thing every day from now on, even it's just a sentence or two. Anyway I've been enjoying the new house. It's really peaceful here and it's wonderful to be able to sit outside on the side porch and look at the horses grazing in the fields across the street. I had a housewarming party last Saturday and a few friends came over for that. We had a cookout and the food was great as usual especially since I cooked it all. :) Also some of us ate outside with the perfect weather and watched the horses. I've found that this house is much easier to keep clean just because of the simple fact that there are hardwoods in all of the rooms and tile in the bathrooms and kitchen. So no more vacuuming. I find it amazing at how much dirt and dust accumulates over a week's time which is easy to clean up with the dry mop I got but I find myself thinking that when you vacuum, all of that dirt can't be picked up by your vacuum. I just think it's nasty at what might be stuck in a person's carpet. I mean I know these are random thoughts but there were times in my old house where I might smell something funky and I may have just cleaned the whole house but there was just something not right about the smell in the house. Usually I would just light an incense to mask it but now I'm thinking that it was probably the carpets with all that built up dirt and dust and God knows what else. Who knows.
Anyway we are having the materials for the fence delivered tomorrow morning. I probably should be sleep now seeing that they're supposed to get here before 7 am but you know me and my night owl habits. But we are building a chain link fence for the dogs because they are just on chains now and I like for them to have a real place to play with each other and us. But I just thank God because my grandfather actually paid for the materials which cost more than the labor. Without him, we just wouldn't have been able to get a fence. But my mom's friend is installing the fence on Monday and I'm so excited for my dogs because they'll be able to run and play and it'll be a little easier to take them in and out of the house. The fence is going to cover the majority of the back yard with leaving a little space for other things that I might want to put out there. But our front yard is really where I would want our guests , if we had a party, to hang out because they wouldn't have to worry about the dogs barking at them and they could look at the horses.
I went to goodwill today with my mom and got some more things for the house. I got, you guessed it, some more rubber duckies and a rubber duckie picture for my bathroom. I also got this storm trooper from Star Wars helmet which you can wear and talk into and it'll make your voice sound like a storm trooper. I also got a nice large round thermometer. You know the kind that look like a clock but really have the temperature on there. I'm putting that in my kitchen. But I also thank God for my mom because she has helped us out financially during this time of my unemployment. Speaking of unemployment, I had an interview yesterday. It was for a bridal accessory e-commerce store. I would be working in a very small call center taking orders for the company among other things. It's through a temp agency but there is a possibility of being hired on based on performance. I REALLY hope I get this job because lately it's just been one rejection e-mail after another. I did have the second interview with Deluxe over the phone but just a few days ago, they sent me a rejection e-mail. My husband actually was in the car with me when I did the interview and he thought I did great so I'm not sure what happened there. Who knows.
On another note, if you've been reading my blog in the past you know that one of my best friends is having problems with his wife. But to be honest, since they've gotten married, I'm closer to his wife than him, mainly because he hasn't matured past the point of a 5th grader in my opinion. Well long story short, they are no longer living together. They got into an argument and there was some physical abuse on both sides and he left the house. She owned the house before they got married. So now he's at his mom's house and his mom is babying him as usual and get this. He has stopped talking to all of his friends. Now he's been my friend for over 10 years and now because he doesn't want to hear the truth that he needs to change and he doesn't want to accept that I'm still going to hang out with his estranged wife, he just is going to cut me out of his life along with my husband who is is extremely close with him. How can you just cut a 10 year friendship off?! I mean I have to be honest here and say that I'm am 100% on his wife's side because she is like a sister to me and she stayed with him and dealt with way more stuff than I would if I were his wife. And he changed his number. Basically he's not the same person I knew 10 years ago. He's being brainwashed by his mother but we all agree that she will even get tired of him one day. His wife went over to his mom's house the other day and she said that his stuff was everywhere in the house because he doesn't clean up after himself. He's a slob and he needs to grow up. When she talked to him, he was very cold and cruel and basically said that she should be hearing from his lawyer soon to start the separation. I mean the thing is is that he won't even talk to anyone about this. It's a joke. I mean his wife comes over and all he can say is that it's over. I feel bad and good for her. I feel bad because I know she loves him and divorce is always hard but I feel good because this is a long time coming. He has emotional and physically abused her which I wanted to kill him over but I prayed instead for them. He has cheated on her, (not all the way but pretty close), and she has always remained faithful to him. He has been a slob and a child in a man's body for the 5 years they were married and she has put up with it. Her doctor actually told her that the stress in her marriage was causing her health problems. Now is it just a coincidence that she is mysteriously losing weight and feeling better now that he's not in the house. Nope, that's just her feeling free of him. Anyway she hasn't received any papers from any lawyer yet but she's still not giving up hope. She feels like God put them together and that unless he files a divorce, she's not going to. I think she's going to get over that attitude quick if he keeps pulling stunts like he did the other day. How about when she was at work, he came and tried the front door but the locks were changed and then remembered that had a key to the back door and went in the house, got some of his stuff, didn't call her at all, and left. So she was upset because she hasn't heard from her husband in weeks and he just comes unannounced. Not cool. So that's when she went over to his mom's house the next day and he was very cold and would not even talk to her in full sentences. He just kept saying "You know what you did" and she would just say, what about what you did? Then he just said it's over, you'll be hearing from my lawyer soon. I mean you have to understand that it's not like they sat down and decided to get a divorce. He left one day after a stupid argument over money and moved to his mom's house and hasn't had a conversation with his wife until that day at the house. So you can understand why she's upset.
Anyway enough about my friends. I should be hearing back from the temp agency about the job interview soon. I really hope I get this one because it's not a mega call center and it seems like somewhere I could be happy. But if I don't get it, I'm going to ask them straight up, what did I do wrong. I have been unemployed since July of last year and I've been to countless interviews, applied to probably over 1000 jobs, and I just can't seem to get a job. I was offered a job at Avis Rent a Car but they were only going to pay me $8.90 an hour for working 2nd and sometimes 3rd shift. So that was a no no. I would have been miserable and would have never seen my husband. But just pray for me because I really want this one. Also we found out that we may be able to buy this house. We have to check with the landlord but according to the neighbors, this house was for sale for a while with no offers and now they're renting it so I'm sure he'll be happy to find out that someone actually wants to buy the house. I'm very excited about that because that will really motivate me to get my credit together so we can get a loan for this place. I'll update everyone on that later.
On another note, my team the Carolina Tarheels just got another win in the tournament against Marquette so they will be advancing. GO TARHEELS!!! But the Celtics lost against the Charlotte bobcats so that sucks. But I think they will be fine. They made a lot of trades and I think they're still adjusting to the new players. But I think I'm going to call it a night. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
Anyway we are having the materials for the fence delivered tomorrow morning. I probably should be sleep now seeing that they're supposed to get here before 7 am but you know me and my night owl habits. But we are building a chain link fence for the dogs because they are just on chains now and I like for them to have a real place to play with each other and us. But I just thank God because my grandfather actually paid for the materials which cost more than the labor. Without him, we just wouldn't have been able to get a fence. But my mom's friend is installing the fence on Monday and I'm so excited for my dogs because they'll be able to run and play and it'll be a little easier to take them in and out of the house. The fence is going to cover the majority of the back yard with leaving a little space for other things that I might want to put out there. But our front yard is really where I would want our guests , if we had a party, to hang out because they wouldn't have to worry about the dogs barking at them and they could look at the horses.
I went to goodwill today with my mom and got some more things for the house. I got, you guessed it, some more rubber duckies and a rubber duckie picture for my bathroom. I also got this storm trooper from Star Wars helmet which you can wear and talk into and it'll make your voice sound like a storm trooper. I also got a nice large round thermometer. You know the kind that look like a clock but really have the temperature on there. I'm putting that in my kitchen. But I also thank God for my mom because she has helped us out financially during this time of my unemployment. Speaking of unemployment, I had an interview yesterday. It was for a bridal accessory e-commerce store. I would be working in a very small call center taking orders for the company among other things. It's through a temp agency but there is a possibility of being hired on based on performance. I REALLY hope I get this job because lately it's just been one rejection e-mail after another. I did have the second interview with Deluxe over the phone but just a few days ago, they sent me a rejection e-mail. My husband actually was in the car with me when I did the interview and he thought I did great so I'm not sure what happened there. Who knows.
On another note, if you've been reading my blog in the past you know that one of my best friends is having problems with his wife. But to be honest, since they've gotten married, I'm closer to his wife than him, mainly because he hasn't matured past the point of a 5th grader in my opinion. Well long story short, they are no longer living together. They got into an argument and there was some physical abuse on both sides and he left the house. She owned the house before they got married. So now he's at his mom's house and his mom is babying him as usual and get this. He has stopped talking to all of his friends. Now he's been my friend for over 10 years and now because he doesn't want to hear the truth that he needs to change and he doesn't want to accept that I'm still going to hang out with his estranged wife, he just is going to cut me out of his life along with my husband who is is extremely close with him. How can you just cut a 10 year friendship off?! I mean I have to be honest here and say that I'm am 100% on his wife's side because she is like a sister to me and she stayed with him and dealt with way more stuff than I would if I were his wife. And he changed his number. Basically he's not the same person I knew 10 years ago. He's being brainwashed by his mother but we all agree that she will even get tired of him one day. His wife went over to his mom's house the other day and she said that his stuff was everywhere in the house because he doesn't clean up after himself. He's a slob and he needs to grow up. When she talked to him, he was very cold and cruel and basically said that she should be hearing from his lawyer soon to start the separation. I mean the thing is is that he won't even talk to anyone about this. It's a joke. I mean his wife comes over and all he can say is that it's over. I feel bad and good for her. I feel bad because I know she loves him and divorce is always hard but I feel good because this is a long time coming. He has emotional and physically abused her which I wanted to kill him over but I prayed instead for them. He has cheated on her, (not all the way but pretty close), and she has always remained faithful to him. He has been a slob and a child in a man's body for the 5 years they were married and she has put up with it. Her doctor actually told her that the stress in her marriage was causing her health problems. Now is it just a coincidence that she is mysteriously losing weight and feeling better now that he's not in the house. Nope, that's just her feeling free of him. Anyway she hasn't received any papers from any lawyer yet but she's still not giving up hope. She feels like God put them together and that unless he files a divorce, she's not going to. I think she's going to get over that attitude quick if he keeps pulling stunts like he did the other day. How about when she was at work, he came and tried the front door but the locks were changed and then remembered that had a key to the back door and went in the house, got some of his stuff, didn't call her at all, and left. So she was upset because she hasn't heard from her husband in weeks and he just comes unannounced. Not cool. So that's when she went over to his mom's house the next day and he was very cold and would not even talk to her in full sentences. He just kept saying "You know what you did" and she would just say, what about what you did? Then he just said it's over, you'll be hearing from my lawyer soon. I mean you have to understand that it's not like they sat down and decided to get a divorce. He left one day after a stupid argument over money and moved to his mom's house and hasn't had a conversation with his wife until that day at the house. So you can understand why she's upset.
Anyway enough about my friends. I should be hearing back from the temp agency about the job interview soon. I really hope I get this one because it's not a mega call center and it seems like somewhere I could be happy. But if I don't get it, I'm going to ask them straight up, what did I do wrong. I have been unemployed since July of last year and I've been to countless interviews, applied to probably over 1000 jobs, and I just can't seem to get a job. I was offered a job at Avis Rent a Car but they were only going to pay me $8.90 an hour for working 2nd and sometimes 3rd shift. So that was a no no. I would have been miserable and would have never seen my husband. But just pray for me because I really want this one. Also we found out that we may be able to buy this house. We have to check with the landlord but according to the neighbors, this house was for sale for a while with no offers and now they're renting it so I'm sure he'll be happy to find out that someone actually wants to buy the house. I'm very excited about that because that will really motivate me to get my credit together so we can get a loan for this place. I'll update everyone on that later.
On another note, my team the Carolina Tarheels just got another win in the tournament against Marquette so they will be advancing. GO TARHEELS!!! But the Celtics lost against the Charlotte bobcats so that sucks. But I think they will be fine. They made a lot of trades and I think they're still adjusting to the new players. But I think I'm going to call it a night. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
28 Years Old!
So today is my birthday. As you can tell by the title I'm 28 now. I'm getting closer to that big 30 and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I mean on one hand, I'm thankful that I made it here because after my best friend passing away last year at the age of 27, I cherish every day. On the other hand, I am getting older but I'm ok with that, I really am. Anyway today was a great day. I didn't want anything big because since my birthday and my friend who passed away's birthday are close, it's just hard for me to be in a celebratory mood. But after a minor breakdown and crying session yesterday about the fact that I made it here and my friend didn't make it to 28, I feel better. So today I just relaxed for most of the day. It started out with my mom calling me and then my dad and my stepmom, then my grandma in Rhode Island. But when they called, I was still sleep. Then I woke up and watched the Carolina Duke game and unfortunately Duke won. Then my husband and I took a nap then woke up and went to Macaroni Grill in Greensboro and the food was great as usual. Plus the waitress sang happy birthday in Italian with an operatic voice. How great is that?! Then we came home and watched some TV. So it was perfect for this year's birthday. Nice and calm and relaxing and with my wonderful husband.
But if you're wondering why we were so tired today, it was because we've been unpacking for the past week. If you've read my past blogs you know that last Friday, we started moving stuff to our new place and then on Saturday we moved the big stuff like the furniture, TV's, etc... So we actually slept here starting on Saturday night. But even after getting everything over here which was a huge task in itself, it has taken us (mostly me) a week to get everything unpacked and in its place here. But what happened was that the only thing left to unpack and put up were the beds last night. But it took my husband longer than expected to put the bed back together because when our friends dismantled the bed, they took EVERY screw out of the bed. It's a canopy bed and instead of them just separating the 4 sides of the foundation of the bed, they took every metal clasp off and every piece that was screwed on. So while he was putting the bed together, I was getting the guest bedroom together and doing some laundry but we got everything put together and in it's place. But then I took my shower and got in the bed and looked at the time and it was 6:30 in the morning. I had no idea that we had been up that late but I guess because we were determined to get everything done, we just didn't pay attention to it. So that's why we didn't get up until after 1 pm today because we were exhausted.
This week has been a real struggle for me just because it's so nice to move into a nicer place in a nicer neigborhood but just little things like picking out an outfit when all your clothes are in boxes is just frustrating. I do know now that the next time I move (which I hope will be a long time from now), I will unpack the bedroom first before anything else. Up until last night, we were sleeping on just the boxspring and mattress on the floor and it wasn't that it was uncomfortable, it just didn't feel right. Plus the frustration of having to wear the same pants over and over again because I just couldn't find any other pairs. But the first day, I did the kitchen, which was the hardest room in my opinion. Then the next few days, I worked on the living room and den which entailed me hooking up both TV's and both surround sound systems plus the game systems as well. Then I worked on the bathrooms, and then the computer room which was the second hardest room because of the fact that it's a computer/cat/guinea pig/ebay business room and I have a lot of stuff in that room but it doesn't look cluttered at all. Then last night we finished with the guest and our bedrooms.
But while all of this was going on, a few things happened to try to stop our progress. For one, my husband's battery in his car died while we were making a trip back from the old house. So long story short, he got a new battery. Then after he got that installed, he found out it was the alternator so he had to get a new alternator. Then he got that installed so all is well with his car again. And we had a friend from church install it so it was way cheaper than a normal mechanic would have cost. Also we had to put the dogs out on chains because we're waiting until the end of the month to get a fence installed in the back yard so they can run around. So we didn't have dog houses for them when we moved because at the old house, they had a mud room that served as a giant dog house for both of them. We were going to get 2 dog houses but not until the Friday that just passed. But then a neighbor called the owner of the house and offered to give us this large shack to serve as a dog house for our larger dog because he said "there are nosy neighbors in our neighborhood that will not hesitate to call animal control if they see that a dog doesn't have shelter". So I'm freaking out because I'm thinking, the dogs haven't even been in the house for a week and people are already noticing that they don't have a dog house. Anwyay long story short, we got the shack for our large dog and bought a smaller one from Lowe's for our smaller dog which we were planning to do in the first place.
But those are just a few of the bumps along the way that we experienced while moving. So now I'm so happy that everything is put in it's place and I can just wake up in the morning and go back to my normal routine. I'm going to start walking the dogs on a regular basis again so I can get a feel of the neighborhood. And if you've read my past blogs you know that there are horses litterally across the street from this house. So in our den, living room, and kitchen, you can always see them during the day. It's wonderful. Tomorrow I'm going out with my mom to do some shopping for the house. I have to get some blinds for the den, and the guest bathroom, plus some steps for the side porch. I'm also looking for a tablecloth and some cushions for my outdoor patio set so hopefully I'll find at least one of my items tomorrow. Plus my mom hasn't seen the house finished so that should be fun. The animals are adjusting well to the house. I thought the cats would miss the carpet, seeing that there are nothing but hardwoods here but they seem to love it here. The dogs will be happier once we get the fence but for now they'll be fine. Plus my grandfather has agreed to pay for the materials for the fence, which is just a blessing.
I honestly feel like I've been in a fog this whole week. I literally have been waking up and going straight to unpacking until I was too hungry to go on and then eating and continuing until I was too tired to stay up, every day. Oh and another bump was that this place has oil heat and the landlord told us that it would only cost $300 to fill up the tank but in reality it cost over $800 so we decided to go with heaters instead of wasting the money on oil just for a few weeks of chilly weather. But before we got the heaters, it was FREEZING in here. I mean it was to the point where I was considering sleeping at my mom's house because it was so bad. But after we got the heaters and starting using the oven, it hasn't been bad anymore. But that's pretty much been my week and my birthday. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
But if you're wondering why we were so tired today, it was because we've been unpacking for the past week. If you've read my past blogs you know that last Friday, we started moving stuff to our new place and then on Saturday we moved the big stuff like the furniture, TV's, etc... So we actually slept here starting on Saturday night. But even after getting everything over here which was a huge task in itself, it has taken us (mostly me) a week to get everything unpacked and in its place here. But what happened was that the only thing left to unpack and put up were the beds last night. But it took my husband longer than expected to put the bed back together because when our friends dismantled the bed, they took EVERY screw out of the bed. It's a canopy bed and instead of them just separating the 4 sides of the foundation of the bed, they took every metal clasp off and every piece that was screwed on. So while he was putting the bed together, I was getting the guest bedroom together and doing some laundry but we got everything put together and in it's place. But then I took my shower and got in the bed and looked at the time and it was 6:30 in the morning. I had no idea that we had been up that late but I guess because we were determined to get everything done, we just didn't pay attention to it. So that's why we didn't get up until after 1 pm today because we were exhausted.
This week has been a real struggle for me just because it's so nice to move into a nicer place in a nicer neigborhood but just little things like picking out an outfit when all your clothes are in boxes is just frustrating. I do know now that the next time I move (which I hope will be a long time from now), I will unpack the bedroom first before anything else. Up until last night, we were sleeping on just the boxspring and mattress on the floor and it wasn't that it was uncomfortable, it just didn't feel right. Plus the frustration of having to wear the same pants over and over again because I just couldn't find any other pairs. But the first day, I did the kitchen, which was the hardest room in my opinion. Then the next few days, I worked on the living room and den which entailed me hooking up both TV's and both surround sound systems plus the game systems as well. Then I worked on the bathrooms, and then the computer room which was the second hardest room because of the fact that it's a computer/cat/guinea pig/ebay business room and I have a lot of stuff in that room but it doesn't look cluttered at all. Then last night we finished with the guest and our bedrooms.
But while all of this was going on, a few things happened to try to stop our progress. For one, my husband's battery in his car died while we were making a trip back from the old house. So long story short, he got a new battery. Then after he got that installed, he found out it was the alternator so he had to get a new alternator. Then he got that installed so all is well with his car again. And we had a friend from church install it so it was way cheaper than a normal mechanic would have cost. Also we had to put the dogs out on chains because we're waiting until the end of the month to get a fence installed in the back yard so they can run around. So we didn't have dog houses for them when we moved because at the old house, they had a mud room that served as a giant dog house for both of them. We were going to get 2 dog houses but not until the Friday that just passed. But then a neighbor called the owner of the house and offered to give us this large shack to serve as a dog house for our larger dog because he said "there are nosy neighbors in our neighborhood that will not hesitate to call animal control if they see that a dog doesn't have shelter". So I'm freaking out because I'm thinking, the dogs haven't even been in the house for a week and people are already noticing that they don't have a dog house. Anwyay long story short, we got the shack for our large dog and bought a smaller one from Lowe's for our smaller dog which we were planning to do in the first place.
But those are just a few of the bumps along the way that we experienced while moving. So now I'm so happy that everything is put in it's place and I can just wake up in the morning and go back to my normal routine. I'm going to start walking the dogs on a regular basis again so I can get a feel of the neighborhood. And if you've read my past blogs you know that there are horses litterally across the street from this house. So in our den, living room, and kitchen, you can always see them during the day. It's wonderful. Tomorrow I'm going out with my mom to do some shopping for the house. I have to get some blinds for the den, and the guest bathroom, plus some steps for the side porch. I'm also looking for a tablecloth and some cushions for my outdoor patio set so hopefully I'll find at least one of my items tomorrow. Plus my mom hasn't seen the house finished so that should be fun. The animals are adjusting well to the house. I thought the cats would miss the carpet, seeing that there are nothing but hardwoods here but they seem to love it here. The dogs will be happier once we get the fence but for now they'll be fine. Plus my grandfather has agreed to pay for the materials for the fence, which is just a blessing.
I honestly feel like I've been in a fog this whole week. I literally have been waking up and going straight to unpacking until I was too hungry to go on and then eating and continuing until I was too tired to stay up, every day. Oh and another bump was that this place has oil heat and the landlord told us that it would only cost $300 to fill up the tank but in reality it cost over $800 so we decided to go with heaters instead of wasting the money on oil just for a few weeks of chilly weather. But before we got the heaters, it was FREEZING in here. I mean it was to the point where I was considering sleeping at my mom's house because it was so bad. But after we got the heaters and starting using the oven, it hasn't been bad anymore. But that's pretty much been my week and my birthday. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Packing Packing and more Packing
So as you may have noticed I haven't been on here in a while. That's because ever since my last announcement that we were approved to rent this beautiful home in the country, I've been preparing to move. It's not just the packing. It's calling all of the utility companies and getting services transferred and setting up new services because we're going to be outside the city limits. Also showing my mom the house and getting an estimate on the fence we're going to put up eventually there. There's just a week of non stop activities. First I decided to only sell clothes and shoes on ebay. I had been selling books, cd's and other media on and amazon but I decided that the space the books took up (all 800 of them) didn't make up for the little money I was making off of them. So I boxed up over 800 books and media and donated them to Goodwill which was a huge task it itself. Then I took everything over my mom's house that I thought she would want but I no longer wanted. Then I've been doing shopping for things that I will need in the new house like a dry mop because the house has no carpet and all hardwoods so my vacuums will no longer be needed. It's just been crazy. I just finished packing up the majority of my den and a large part of my kitchen and I need more boxes. So tomorrow I'm going to have to go back to the ABC store and get more boxes. For those of you who don't know what the ABC store is, in NC you can't just have a liquor store on every corner. The only place that can sell liquor is the ABC store which is run by the state. So every day when they get their new shipments in of liquor, they put their boxes out for anyone to pick up and use. So then I have free moving boxes. But this is getting ridiculous because I must have already used 50 of them. Oh well the price of moving.
Anyway we're officially starting to move there on Friday so at least I have some real time to pack and get things sorted before having to move. But I am sooooo excited about moving there. It's not in the hood, in fact it's in the country so that'll be a nice change. Also the amount of closet space in there is tripled compared to our current house. So Saturday is the day that we are going to rent the UHAUL and move the big furniture. The only down part of this week is that one of my best friends is probably going to be separated from her husband. Now keep in mind that her husband is also one of my best friends and that I met her through him but I'm totally 100% on her side when it comes to all of the problems they've had and the whole separation thing. It's been a long time coming for them to split but now because my friends are my husband's friends, we have to figure out a way for her and her husband to help us move but somehow not run into each other. So we're literally going to have to schedule when they're going to help us move. How crazy is that?
I would write more but I'm just exhausted from packing and I'm not sure when the next time I will write because once Friday gets here, it's going to on getting all of our stuff over there. But once I'm settled in, I will write again. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
Anyway we're officially starting to move there on Friday so at least I have some real time to pack and get things sorted before having to move. But I am sooooo excited about moving there. It's not in the hood, in fact it's in the country so that'll be a nice change. Also the amount of closet space in there is tripled compared to our current house. So Saturday is the day that we are going to rent the UHAUL and move the big furniture. The only down part of this week is that one of my best friends is probably going to be separated from her husband. Now keep in mind that her husband is also one of my best friends and that I met her through him but I'm totally 100% on her side when it comes to all of the problems they've had and the whole separation thing. It's been a long time coming for them to split but now because my friends are my husband's friends, we have to figure out a way for her and her husband to help us move but somehow not run into each other. So we're literally going to have to schedule when they're going to help us move. How crazy is that?
I would write more but I'm just exhausted from packing and I'm not sure when the next time I will write because once Friday gets here, it's going to on getting all of our stuff over there. But once I'm settled in, I will write again. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
We Got the House!!!
So today I woke up around 8 am because I had an interview at 10:30 but I was really thinking about if we got approved to rent this home in the country. If you read my last blog post, you know that we were supposed to find out yesterday but the office was backed up and we had to wait until today. So I was so anxious and worried that they would call and say we didn't get it. So before the interview, I called them and they didn't answer. Then after the interview, I called again and they said they had just started working on it. Then I talked to my mom and she said to calm down and if it's not meant to be then I'll find something better. So I took her advice and calmed down and waited patiently for them to call me back. So around 2 pm, the girl who's been working with me called me and told me that we didn't necessarily pass the credit check but that she was going to go over some things with the owner and see if we could still live there. I then started explaining to her the things that were on my credit report and my husband's that were questionable and that cleared a lot of things up for her. I even went as far as to say "I've eaten oodles of noodles and hot dogs for a week so that I could pay my rent in the past" because I wanted her to know that paying my rent is my #1 priority. So, after explaining everything to her she said she would still have to talk to the owner of the house and see if everything was ok but she said she didn't think there would be a problem. So about 40 minutes later, I got a call from her and she said we're going to go ahead and approve you. I was ecstatic and so overjoyed. So then she said that it would be better for the owner if we could move closer to the 1st of March because originally we were going to move on the 15th of March. So we did some number crunching and we're going to move on the 4th which is the Friday after the 1st. So next Friday, we'll be moving to our new place! I'm so excited about it and we already called all of the utility places to let them know to transfer service but the cool thing is that out there we have well water so we don't have to pay for water. We also have oil heat so we don't have to pay Piedmont natural gas but we do have to pay for oil. And we'll have to get a company to pick our trash up but I'm cool with that. I'm just so happy, I can hardly contain myself!
Anyway we were doing some research on the best way to get there from our current house and we realized that even though it's in the country, it's actually very close to a main road in Greensboro and close to Wal Mart and other places so it's not in the middle of no where. It's just a perfect situation. So we talked to my mom's friend and he's still a go on building the fence but he has to see the property first to give me an estimate. So I know it sounds crazy but I'm going to start packing tomorrow. I mean there's so many things in the house that I don't use on a day to day basis that I can go ahead and start boxing up. Also my mom said I could store all my Christmas decorations at her house so we don't have to move them. So everything is working out. I just thank God and thank all of you who prayed for me.
On another note, the interview today went great. It was actually at a temp agency in Greensboro and it was originally for an outbound call center job which usually I don't go for because you have to call people and try to sell them stuff and they hang up on you all day. But when I got there, I had great chemistry with the interviewer and she said she was going to submit my resume to 5 jobs! The outbound call center actually is for a non profit well known organization so I'd be asking for charity which is fine with me. So wish me luck on my job search cause God knows with all these moving expenses I'll need it. I haven't heard back from Deluxe yet and the girl who "cancelled" the interview because of an "emergency" never called back to reschedule. My thing is, please look over the resume before calling someone for an interview because if I end up being not qualified or what you're looking for, don't waste my time.
Anyway, after I got home and called all the companies to change service and told everyone about the move, we went to this restaurant in Greensboro called Kick Back Jacks. Now the only way I can describe it is it's like a sports bar but a large one with better food. But I didn't really have a good experience there. We got there and the parking lot was packed full. Now we're thinking, "it's a Tuesday night, why is the parking lot full?" Then we see a limo taking up 7 spaces, a Nascar Race Car in front of the restaurant and a radio station van there as well. So when we walked in, we had to wait a little to be seated and then we ordered and got out food but there were so many people there, it was extremely loud and uncomfortable. Sometimes you just want a nice mid week meal with your husband and this wasn't it. So then I got the food and the cheese fries were good but a little dry. Then I got the steak and cheese but the bread was hard and way too over buttered. I know this because I used to work at a restaurant and before we put a bun on a burger, we would butter the inside of the bun for flavor but this bun was super buttered. LOL Then I lost my appetite very quickly which is odd for me especially when I'm eating something I usually order. So my husband and I both ended up leaving soon after with 3 take out boxes because we just weren't comfortable. Then after I got home, before I took my nap, I was talking to my husband and I started feeling nauseous and I knew it was that food. I mean I really had to lay down for a while and breathe slowly to get over this. So then I took a nap before watching the Celtics game which they won and my stomach felt better but as soon as I smelled the take out boxes, I started feeling bad again and I just ate some soup. So I'm not going back there. I'm not saying they're a horrible restaurant or that their food is horrible but I am saying that it doesn't agree with my stomach.
So after we left there, we went to my mom's house because my husband had to give a phone to my mom's friend (the one who is helping us with the fence) and I showed them pictures of the house and showed my mom my new purse and hung out for a little. Then we went home and that's pretty much my day. Anyway thank you again for your prayers and God Bless.
Anyway we were doing some research on the best way to get there from our current house and we realized that even though it's in the country, it's actually very close to a main road in Greensboro and close to Wal Mart and other places so it's not in the middle of no where. It's just a perfect situation. So we talked to my mom's friend and he's still a go on building the fence but he has to see the property first to give me an estimate. So I know it sounds crazy but I'm going to start packing tomorrow. I mean there's so many things in the house that I don't use on a day to day basis that I can go ahead and start boxing up. Also my mom said I could store all my Christmas decorations at her house so we don't have to move them. So everything is working out. I just thank God and thank all of you who prayed for me.
On another note, the interview today went great. It was actually at a temp agency in Greensboro and it was originally for an outbound call center job which usually I don't go for because you have to call people and try to sell them stuff and they hang up on you all day. But when I got there, I had great chemistry with the interviewer and she said she was going to submit my resume to 5 jobs! The outbound call center actually is for a non profit well known organization so I'd be asking for charity which is fine with me. So wish me luck on my job search cause God knows with all these moving expenses I'll need it. I haven't heard back from Deluxe yet and the girl who "cancelled" the interview because of an "emergency" never called back to reschedule. My thing is, please look over the resume before calling someone for an interview because if I end up being not qualified or what you're looking for, don't waste my time.
Anyway, after I got home and called all the companies to change service and told everyone about the move, we went to this restaurant in Greensboro called Kick Back Jacks. Now the only way I can describe it is it's like a sports bar but a large one with better food. But I didn't really have a good experience there. We got there and the parking lot was packed full. Now we're thinking, "it's a Tuesday night, why is the parking lot full?" Then we see a limo taking up 7 spaces, a Nascar Race Car in front of the restaurant and a radio station van there as well. So when we walked in, we had to wait a little to be seated and then we ordered and got out food but there were so many people there, it was extremely loud and uncomfortable. Sometimes you just want a nice mid week meal with your husband and this wasn't it. So then I got the food and the cheese fries were good but a little dry. Then I got the steak and cheese but the bread was hard and way too over buttered. I know this because I used to work at a restaurant and before we put a bun on a burger, we would butter the inside of the bun for flavor but this bun was super buttered. LOL Then I lost my appetite very quickly which is odd for me especially when I'm eating something I usually order. So my husband and I both ended up leaving soon after with 3 take out boxes because we just weren't comfortable. Then after I got home, before I took my nap, I was talking to my husband and I started feeling nauseous and I knew it was that food. I mean I really had to lay down for a while and breathe slowly to get over this. So then I took a nap before watching the Celtics game which they won and my stomach felt better but as soon as I smelled the take out boxes, I started feeling bad again and I just ate some soup. So I'm not going back there. I'm not saying they're a horrible restaurant or that their food is horrible but I am saying that it doesn't agree with my stomach.
So after we left there, we went to my mom's house because my husband had to give a phone to my mom's friend (the one who is helping us with the fence) and I showed them pictures of the house and showed my mom my new purse and hung out for a little. Then we went home and that's pretty much my day. Anyway thank you again for your prayers and God Bless.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Pray For Me!
So I'm sitting here now waiting for tomorrow to come anxiously because we're waiting to hear back from the house in the country to see if we are approved to get the house. Let me back up and tell you how we made the decision to go for this house. So this morning I was actually excited to call this company called Rent a Home of Greensboro because they had this perfect house that was in a good neighborhood that had a fenced in yard in our price range. So I called them as soon as they opened thinking that I could go see the house today and if we liked it, we could put an application in today. But when I called they said the first appointment to see the house was tomorrow at 5 pm and that someone had already put an application in on the house but it hadn't been approved yet. So was like GREAT! There goes that house but I still made the appointment for tomorrow. Then unexpectedly, the girl who worked for the company that is managing the house in the country (the one with the horses across the street), called me and wanted to follow up. So I explained to her that I was a little hesitant about moving there because there was no fence for the dogs and also there wasn't a mudroom or sun room that we could use as a dog room. So I figured she would just say "ok well good luck in your house search then", but she surprised me and said "I'm going to call the owner and see if we can work something out". So then she called me back about 10 minutes later and told me the the owner suggested that we get an invisible fence and that they have no problem with us installing that or a real fence. Also they suggested that we put the dogs in the storage unit when it's too cold during the night or hot during the day so they can get some shade if they're not in the house. So my husband heard all of this on the phone because he was right next to me and apparently he was impressed and he said he was going to start doing some calculations. This surprised me because I thought he didn't want to have to deal with putting a fence up and I was under the impression that he had marked this place off the list but I think when he heard how determined the owner was and also realizing that this is in a great neighborhood, he went for it. So he started going over some numbers and I thought, "this is my one chance to change his mind or persuade him to live at this place". So I called my grandparents and asked them for money. Now don't think I do this all the time. It's probably been over a year since I've asked them for money and it's always for something important, never anything stupid like a TV or game system and I consider having to move because my landlord didn't pay the mortgage on the house, important. LOL Anyway my grandfather agreed to send me a large sum of money to help us out and my mom had already agreed to pay for the pet deposit ($350) so after he heard that, he was sold. So we had to fill out the application and fax it to her so that we could get things going.
Now we had to get it in by 1 pm so online it was in a PDF form which means you can't write over it but I found a website that allows you to do that. But after filling out a 3 page application, they said it would cost 30 bucks just to save it. I was like SCAM and printed the application out and my husband filled it out by hand. Then we had to include his pay stubs, and a copy of our driver's licenses. Then we had to figure out where to fax it at and at first I thought, The library has a fax machine but when I called them they actually don't. So then my husband called his job but the office was closed because of presidents day. So we had to go to FedEx Kinkos and they charged us over 8 dollars to fax the pages! Anyway they got faxed and were received. So they told us that as long as you have the application in by 1 pm it would be processed the same day. So we waited patently but then the girl called us and said that her boss was so backed up on applications that he would have to get to it tomorrow and we would be the first looked at tomorrow. SO that's why I need you to pray for me because we still don't know if we've been approved to live there. We've never gone through so much to apply to rent a property but my thinking is that the more you go through the better the property will be. But I already believe in Jesus name that we're approved and that we will live here starting March 15th. Also we talked to my mom's friend and he said he could install a fence for us. We would have to pay him of course but not nearly as much as a company would charge us so everything is falling into place.
On another note, I had my interview with Deluxe today at 1, at the same time as my husband was faxing the application at Kinkos and I think it went well. There were a lot of situational questions, more than I'm used to for a call center job, and at the end she said that if I'm chosen to move forward in the interview process that I'd be contacted within the next 48 hours. Hopefully that's a good thing. Who knows. But guess what? I had yet another interview tomorrow at 10:30 with a staffing agency for another call center. I think this one is an outbound call center but depending on the pay, I might take this one over Deluxe if Deluxe takes their sweet time moving me forward in the interview process. So I'm excited about my interview but at the same time I'm anxious about the house. They said since I have to fill an application out and do some testing the process could take up to 2 hours. So I plan on taking a bathroom break in the middle of all of that and checking to see if we got the house. LOL I just can't take the suspense!
So after we rode around faxing documents, we came back home watched TV, I took a short nap, and we watched wrestling. John Cena rapped about dissing The Rock and that was funny. But that was pretty much my day. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
PS. Please pray for me :)
Now we had to get it in by 1 pm so online it was in a PDF form which means you can't write over it but I found a website that allows you to do that. But after filling out a 3 page application, they said it would cost 30 bucks just to save it. I was like SCAM and printed the application out and my husband filled it out by hand. Then we had to include his pay stubs, and a copy of our driver's licenses. Then we had to figure out where to fax it at and at first I thought, The library has a fax machine but when I called them they actually don't. So then my husband called his job but the office was closed because of presidents day. So we had to go to FedEx Kinkos and they charged us over 8 dollars to fax the pages! Anyway they got faxed and were received. So they told us that as long as you have the application in by 1 pm it would be processed the same day. So we waited patently but then the girl called us and said that her boss was so backed up on applications that he would have to get to it tomorrow and we would be the first looked at tomorrow. SO that's why I need you to pray for me because we still don't know if we've been approved to live there. We've never gone through so much to apply to rent a property but my thinking is that the more you go through the better the property will be. But I already believe in Jesus name that we're approved and that we will live here starting March 15th. Also we talked to my mom's friend and he said he could install a fence for us. We would have to pay him of course but not nearly as much as a company would charge us so everything is falling into place.
On another note, I had my interview with Deluxe today at 1, at the same time as my husband was faxing the application at Kinkos and I think it went well. There were a lot of situational questions, more than I'm used to for a call center job, and at the end she said that if I'm chosen to move forward in the interview process that I'd be contacted within the next 48 hours. Hopefully that's a good thing. Who knows. But guess what? I had yet another interview tomorrow at 10:30 with a staffing agency for another call center. I think this one is an outbound call center but depending on the pay, I might take this one over Deluxe if Deluxe takes their sweet time moving me forward in the interview process. So I'm excited about my interview but at the same time I'm anxious about the house. They said since I have to fill an application out and do some testing the process could take up to 2 hours. So I plan on taking a bathroom break in the middle of all of that and checking to see if we got the house. LOL I just can't take the suspense!
So after we rode around faxing documents, we came back home watched TV, I took a short nap, and we watched wrestling. John Cena rapped about dissing The Rock and that was funny. But that was pretty much my day. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
PS. Please pray for me :)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
A Day of Cleaning and The All Star Game
So today wasn't that exciting but when I got up, I started cleaning the house including the laundry, bathrooms, litter boxes, etc... Then I took a nap and got up in time to watch the NBA All Star Game. The game was cool but I did want the East to win just because of the simple fact that 4 of my boys in green from the Celtics were on the team. Also the coach of the East team just so happened to be Doc Rivers, the coach of the Celtics so that was awesome too. But the west won so that sucks.
But tomorrow I'm going to see this house that I know is in a good neighborhood and has everything that we need in our price range. So I'm excited about that. Also I have my second phone interview with Deluxe tomorrow so wish me luck. But that was pretty much my day. I think I'm going to head to bed early tonight because I'm just tired. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
But tomorrow I'm going to see this house that I know is in a good neighborhood and has everything that we need in our price range. So I'm excited about that. Also I have my second phone interview with Deluxe tomorrow so wish me luck. But that was pretty much my day. I think I'm going to head to bed early tonight because I'm just tired. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Another Nasty House
So today my husband and I planned to go by this house and view it so that we could call the landlord and tell her we wanted to see the inside of it. Now just to give you some background, I found the house on and what I usually do is type the address in google maps and get a neighborhood view of the house and the street it's on so I can see if it's hood or in a nice neighborhood. Sometimes I can just tell by the map and other times I have to physically look at the house. So when I called the landlord yesterday she explained to me that she wanted me to go and look at the house first on the outside and then call her back so she could set up an appointment to see the inside of the house. I then explained to her that I had seen the neighborhood on Google Earth and that I already knew what the outside looked like so I wanted to go ahead and set up an appointment to see the inside of the house. She then told me that she still wanted me to physically drive over there first and then call her because she lives outside of Greensboro and every time she sends someone over to show the house, she has to pay them and she doesn't want to waste her money if the perspective tenant doesn't like what they see. So I was like ok, so that's why went over there. So we went there and we first noticed that the front porch looked really old and paint was chipping off and to tell you the truth, the rest of the houses on that street looked way newer than this one. It was almost like a developer came on the street and paid everyone who had old houses off to build a new development and this particular owner decided to keep their old dilapidated house. So then we drive to the back of the driveway and notice that there's trash in the yard. Also the landlord mentioned before something about a tree and the fence not being completely around the house so we look and at the back of the back yard, there is a huge tree that has fallen onto a piece of the fence and crushed it. In short, this lady hasn't picked any trash up, raked any leaves, mowed the grass, fixed the tree and fence, etc... Now keep in mind this house has been advertised for months for rent so she's had plenty of time to fix it up. So then I called her and of course it went straight to voicemail and I left a message saying that we were there and wanted to see the inside of the house. So then we walked around the house and went up the steps to the front porch which was screened in and once we were inside of the porch, we realized that even the inside of the porch was just old and messed up. I mean it was just bad. So my husband said that he would give her another 20 minutes to call us back and right when were about to leave, she called me, and was like "well no one can show it to you today but what about tomorrow around 1:30?" So my husband was upset and told me to tell her Monday because tomorrow we have to go to church and he has to finish his homework for the week. So then she acted like she would have to check her contacts schedule to see when they would be available on Monday and that she would have to call us back. So at this point my husband really didn't care because from what we saw, this landlord didn't care one bit about this property.
So then we went to Chen's Garden in Greensboro and had some Chinese food and while my husband was in the bathroom the landlord called again and said that her dad could show us the house at 5:30. So I agreed and told my husband. So after we ate, we headed back over there because I figured that if all that was wrong with the property was the outside then we could work on that. Boy was I wrong. We get inside and the house smelled like fresh paint and I would say that it needed at least a few more months of work done on the inside before any human could live in there. The house was advertised to have 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, a living room, kitchen, and an upstairs loft. The house really had 3 bedrooms and an upstairs area that you could use as a bedroom or den. But it wasn't as it was advertised. So basically every room needed the carpet replaced, There was paint splattered everywhere from old paint jobs, the upstairs "loft" had stained nasty carpet that needed to be replaced, there were construction materials everywhere. I mean what is this woman thinking? Why would she show a house in that condition? She's never going to get it rented out in that condition. If we even thought about moving there, I would have a lawyer draw up a document saying that if everything wasn't finished in the house, we would get our deposit back and not be legally bound to live there. Oh and by the way, the house had OIL heat which only came out of one vent in the whole house and when we asked her father if it had central air, he said "No you have fans". FANS!!! So not even a window unit! And get this, the house is renting for the same amount that we're paying here and this house is larger and is not under construction. The house was just a HOT MESS! So after we left there, I was back into the mode of trying to get my husband to put an application in for the home we saw the other day in the country. But then once I got home I realized that I'm going about this all wrong.
You see, the house in the country is nice but it has no fence for the dogs and we were willing to put a fence up but a light bulb went off in my head and I realized that craigslist is not the only place that I can look for a house for rent. So first I went to the News and Record and found a few homes, then I just googled houses for rent in Greensboro and I found a great site that has 6 houses that are in our price range, have fences, and have everything we need. So first thing Monday morning I'm calling them. Those houses may not have horses across the street but we aren't going to have to pay someone to install a fence either.
Also when I got home I looked at the rental contract for the house in the country and something caught my eye. It had a list of things that the tenant who was leaving the property, meaning deciding to move out of the property had to do. Now at first it was simple things like wash the windows and clean the floor, no biggy. But then the list went on to say that before we could get our security deposit back we would have to replace the eye on the stove and inside the oven, hire a professional carpet cleaner to clean all the carpet in the house, if we have pets, hire a pest control man to spray for fleas, mow the lawn, keep the electricity on until the end of our lease, etc.. I mean this list was out of this world. Now I'm no expert but isn't that the landlord's responsibility? I understand making sure the house doesn't look like a dump but when did it become the tenant's responsibility to handle what the landlord is supposed to do. At the end of the list, it said "The house needs to be in move in ready condition in order to get your deposit back". Again isn't that the landlord's duty and not the tenant. As long as we repair any damages done to the property then we should get our deposit back. Something is just a little fishy about this company. So that kinda turned me away from that house as well.
So then my husband and I watched the NBA All Star shooting games, (the 3 point competition, dunk contest, etc..) and my boys in green Paul Pierce and Ray Allen represented for the Celtics in the 3 point competition. They didn't win but were in the finals. Then in the dunk contest, there were a lot of great dunks. There was one with 2 balls then 3 balls dunked. Then Blake Griffin dunked over a car and had a gospel choir singing behind him. That was ridiculous. Then I watched some Oprah and that's pretty much my day. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
So then we went to Chen's Garden in Greensboro and had some Chinese food and while my husband was in the bathroom the landlord called again and said that her dad could show us the house at 5:30. So I agreed and told my husband. So after we ate, we headed back over there because I figured that if all that was wrong with the property was the outside then we could work on that. Boy was I wrong. We get inside and the house smelled like fresh paint and I would say that it needed at least a few more months of work done on the inside before any human could live in there. The house was advertised to have 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, a living room, kitchen, and an upstairs loft. The house really had 3 bedrooms and an upstairs area that you could use as a bedroom or den. But it wasn't as it was advertised. So basically every room needed the carpet replaced, There was paint splattered everywhere from old paint jobs, the upstairs "loft" had stained nasty carpet that needed to be replaced, there were construction materials everywhere. I mean what is this woman thinking? Why would she show a house in that condition? She's never going to get it rented out in that condition. If we even thought about moving there, I would have a lawyer draw up a document saying that if everything wasn't finished in the house, we would get our deposit back and not be legally bound to live there. Oh and by the way, the house had OIL heat which only came out of one vent in the whole house and when we asked her father if it had central air, he said "No you have fans". FANS!!! So not even a window unit! And get this, the house is renting for the same amount that we're paying here and this house is larger and is not under construction. The house was just a HOT MESS! So after we left there, I was back into the mode of trying to get my husband to put an application in for the home we saw the other day in the country. But then once I got home I realized that I'm going about this all wrong.
You see, the house in the country is nice but it has no fence for the dogs and we were willing to put a fence up but a light bulb went off in my head and I realized that craigslist is not the only place that I can look for a house for rent. So first I went to the News and Record and found a few homes, then I just googled houses for rent in Greensboro and I found a great site that has 6 houses that are in our price range, have fences, and have everything we need. So first thing Monday morning I'm calling them. Those houses may not have horses across the street but we aren't going to have to pay someone to install a fence either.
Also when I got home I looked at the rental contract for the house in the country and something caught my eye. It had a list of things that the tenant who was leaving the property, meaning deciding to move out of the property had to do. Now at first it was simple things like wash the windows and clean the floor, no biggy. But then the list went on to say that before we could get our security deposit back we would have to replace the eye on the stove and inside the oven, hire a professional carpet cleaner to clean all the carpet in the house, if we have pets, hire a pest control man to spray for fleas, mow the lawn, keep the electricity on until the end of our lease, etc.. I mean this list was out of this world. Now I'm no expert but isn't that the landlord's responsibility? I understand making sure the house doesn't look like a dump but when did it become the tenant's responsibility to handle what the landlord is supposed to do. At the end of the list, it said "The house needs to be in move in ready condition in order to get your deposit back". Again isn't that the landlord's duty and not the tenant. As long as we repair any damages done to the property then we should get our deposit back. Something is just a little fishy about this company. So that kinda turned me away from that house as well.
So then my husband and I watched the NBA All Star shooting games, (the 3 point competition, dunk contest, etc..) and my boys in green Paul Pierce and Ray Allen represented for the Celtics in the 3 point competition. They didn't win but were in the finals. Then in the dunk contest, there were a lot of great dunks. There was one with 2 balls then 3 balls dunked. Then Blake Griffin dunked over a car and had a gospel choir singing behind him. That was ridiculous. Then I watched some Oprah and that's pretty much my day. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
Friday, February 18, 2011
What a Beautiful Home!
So today we had an appointment to see this home in the country. It was actually off of the Youngs Mill Rd. exit in Greensboro. So the appointment was at 3 and my husband and I met there because he had a meeting at work before then and I was just at the house but we both made it there on time. So we get there and the house has gorgeous hardwood floors throughout and has 3 bedrooms a bath and a half, a living room, dining room, a front porch, a side yard, a fireplace and a gorgeous kitchen. So we walk through it and the only thing is that there isn't a fence around the house but the owner said that we could build one if we wanted to. So what happened was the person that was supposed to show us the house was sick so she sent her husband to show us the house and while we were leaving I realized that across the street from the house was a farm with horses on it! So if we lived here, I could look at horses all day. It might not seem like a big deal to some of you reading but that is my dream. I want to actually live on a farm one day and this is the next best thing. Plus this house is still in Greensboro's city limits so we still get the trash pick up, the city water, and anything else that city residents get but still have a country feeling.
So after we left there my husband and I discussed the house and I was so into it, I just kept going on and on about how we should put an application in but he wanted to slow down and look at some other houses. My thing is, I'm tired of living in the hood. NO JOKE. I mean not to sound racist or anything, but I would like a mixture of cultures around me. In case you didn't already know, I'm black so don't even go there. I mean the place we're at now is one of those neighborhoods with mostly old people but there are a few young people mixed in and every now and then I hear sub woofers blasting, people cussing, the smell of illegal substances and I'm not saying this doesn't go on in mixed neighborhoods but I know when I used to visit my white friends growing up, I didn't ever see that. I would just love to live in the country or somewhere where it is a little more diverse. I mean there are some nice neighborhoods that are all black but who says I want that. I want my children to have an equal chance of meeting and befriending children of all races. Growing up, I lived in an apartment off of west market street in Greensboro and back then it was completely mixed and some of my best friends were white. I think that helped me not become ghetto or closed minded. If you heard me speak over the phone, you would have no idea that I'm black. Now I'm not saying there's anything wrong with talking in slang, Ebonics, etc... but I just don't speak that way probably because my mom is from NY and my dad is from RI plus all of my friends growing up. I've actually dated white guys who are like "you're not like other black girls, you know how to speak and carry yourself" and I'm thinking just because I talk this way doesn't make me any better than anyone else. Also I'm not mixed. People always assume that I'm mixed and I'm not. I'm light skinned but not super light. Like my husband is high yellow, which means he's really light especially on his legs. LOL But me, I'm more of a caramel color. But my mom is black, my dad is black and all my grandparents are. The only thing is that my great grandmother who died before I was born on my grandfather's side, was full native American so technically I'm 1/8 Native American but I don't consider that mixed. LOL
Anyway before I piss anyone else off with my opinions on ghettoness and so on, we made another appointment to another house tomorrow. This one is actually not that far from where we are now but it is large. So wish us luck on that one. Hopefully this one will be clean. LOL But for the rest of the day today, we just ate some lunch and dinner and watched Fringe, Y & R, B & B, and that's pretty much it. Anyway that was my day. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
So after we left there my husband and I discussed the house and I was so into it, I just kept going on and on about how we should put an application in but he wanted to slow down and look at some other houses. My thing is, I'm tired of living in the hood. NO JOKE. I mean not to sound racist or anything, but I would like a mixture of cultures around me. In case you didn't already know, I'm black so don't even go there. I mean the place we're at now is one of those neighborhoods with mostly old people but there are a few young people mixed in and every now and then I hear sub woofers blasting, people cussing, the smell of illegal substances and I'm not saying this doesn't go on in mixed neighborhoods but I know when I used to visit my white friends growing up, I didn't ever see that. I would just love to live in the country or somewhere where it is a little more diverse. I mean there are some nice neighborhoods that are all black but who says I want that. I want my children to have an equal chance of meeting and befriending children of all races. Growing up, I lived in an apartment off of west market street in Greensboro and back then it was completely mixed and some of my best friends were white. I think that helped me not become ghetto or closed minded. If you heard me speak over the phone, you would have no idea that I'm black. Now I'm not saying there's anything wrong with talking in slang, Ebonics, etc... but I just don't speak that way probably because my mom is from NY and my dad is from RI plus all of my friends growing up. I've actually dated white guys who are like "you're not like other black girls, you know how to speak and carry yourself" and I'm thinking just because I talk this way doesn't make me any better than anyone else. Also I'm not mixed. People always assume that I'm mixed and I'm not. I'm light skinned but not super light. Like my husband is high yellow, which means he's really light especially on his legs. LOL But me, I'm more of a caramel color. But my mom is black, my dad is black and all my grandparents are. The only thing is that my great grandmother who died before I was born on my grandfather's side, was full native American so technically I'm 1/8 Native American but I don't consider that mixed. LOL
Anyway before I piss anyone else off with my opinions on ghettoness and so on, we made another appointment to another house tomorrow. This one is actually not that far from where we are now but it is large. So wish us luck on that one. Hopefully this one will be clean. LOL But for the rest of the day today, we just ate some lunch and dinner and watched Fringe, Y & R, B & B, and that's pretty much it. Anyway that was my day. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
A Crazy Few Days
So I haven't written since Monday night but since then on Tuesday I had an interview with United Health Care in Greensboro and keep in mind that about 2 months ago I went in to United Health Care and did some testing and before I even got to my car, they had already sent me a rejection e-mail. So I was excited to hear that they wanted to test me again. So I went in there again on Tuesday and they did their little job description speech and so on and then it came time for me to test. So I hit the button to take the test again and it says "You've already completed the test, there's no need to take it again, talk to your system administrator". So I'm like WTF! Because I KNOW the reason I didn't get the job before was because of the stupid personality test that they gave me before and so if they're going to use the same test results then obviously I'm not going to get the job. So after I showed the representative the message her tone changed and she was like "Oh well, that means you can get out of here quicker than everyone else because you don't have to take the test again" because there were about 4 other people in the room. Then she said "I have to find your file, you'll hear back from us within 48 hours" Well I knew then that I didn't get the job because that's what the other lady said to me. So of course by the time I walked to my car, they had sent me another rejection e-mail. So this is my question people. WHY THE F*** DID THEY MAKE ME DRIVE ALL THE WAY THERE JUST TO NOT BE ABLE TO TAKE THE TEST, JUST TO WASTE MY TIME? IDK Who cares. I just know I'm NEVER applying there again, EVER!
OK, so on another note, if you read my blog last week you know that I had another interview today with a medical center in High Point. So first what happened was on Tuesday, the interviewer called me and told me that she had to change the interview location to another place in High Point so I wrote down the directions and told her I'd be there on Thursday as planned. The interview was today at 9 am and guess what she did? She called me at 8 am to tell me that she had an emergency and had to call me back to reschedule the interview. So at this point, I'm already showered, in the process of pulling my girdle over my problem areas, and ready to head out the door. So I asked her in a calm tone, "When do you think it will be rescheduled for?" and she was like, "Either later today or tomorrow morning". So I'm thinking, she's going to call me back within the hour to set something up. NOPE It is now 1:44 am and she has not called me back. So I think something fishy is going on. First she changes the location of the interview, then an hour before the interview is supposed to take place, she cancels and can't give me a new interview time. Either she has already found her candidate and she doesn't want to bother with me or maybe they don't need to hire anyone. Who knows. For all of you reading, tell me what you think. Do you think she's lying and hopes that I just don't call back and forget about the job or do you think it's all a coincidence?
But something good did happen today. I got a call from this call center called Deluxe in Greensboro and I had an over the phone interview and apparently he liked my answers because I have another phone interview on Monday. I'm hoping that goes well because God knows I need a job. Also backing up a day on Wednesday, my husband and I went to look at this house because we are still planning to move and strangely enough it was literally down the street. I'm talking about a minute walk, down the street. LOL And when we got there, we realized that this white guy used to live there because when I used to walk the dogs, his dog would escape every now and then and he would come out cussing the dog out demanding that he return to the house. Anyway, to put it nicely, THE HOUSE WAS A MESS! Basically we walk in and without warning the place had not yet been cleaned, painted, heck half the guys stuff was still there, including his huge dog cage that took up one of the rooms. Now just to give you an idea of what we're used to. We live in a 1700 sq ft house with 3 bedrooms, a bath and a half, a den, a living room, a sun room (aka the dog room) and a laundry room/supply closet. So this house isn't that bad. But the house we saw had 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, and a living room. I'm not joking when I say this house was literally half the size of our house now and she was trying to charge $25 more in rent than what we're paying. There were hardwoods throughout the house but 3 of the bedrooms were small and the 4th barely was big enough to be an office. Then the kitchen was tiny and you had to put your washer and dryer in there. Then we go to look at the "master bathroom" attached to the bedroom and it had dookie stains in it and apparently the previous tenant took the shower head because there was just a pipe sticking out of the wall. First of all the realtor should not have shown us the house until it was cleaned, painted, and repaired. Second they need to lower than rent to around $650 because I stayed in a house that was larger than that for $550 for 3 years. Third, I have found that I am now going to ask how many sq ft there are in a property before viewing it along with their pet policy, and if the yard has a fence. These 3 things are very important in determining if we're going to live somewhere. So needless to say, we didn't contact that company again.
So then, I guess after the disappointment of that house, we decided to drive around the park that I walk my dogs in and see if any of those homes are for rent and we found a few. There was one that actually was 2 doors down from one of our good friends house and I called and left a message at the number that was posted on the for rent sign. Then I called and called and called and they didn't answer. The reason we wanted to find out about that house is because it looked large on the outside, had a fully fenced in yard, and is close to our friend who happens to be a black belt so added protection there. LOL They still haven't called back though. Then we called a few others but they haven't called us back. But we do have an appointment to go look at a house in a country setting tomorrow so I'm hoping this one will be great. I'm so excited. I mean moving totally sucks but after everything is moved and in it's place, especially if you're upgrading to a nice home, it's all worth it.
But today after my interviewer "cancelled" the interview, I went back to sleep because I didn't know whether she was going to call me and tell me to come in an hour or what. But like I said she still hasn't called me. But after I woke up, I did some cleaning around the house and then watched Y & R with my husband and then some Law and Order and then some Private Practice. Private Practice was very sad. I looked over and my husband was crying for God's sake! Anyway that was my last few days and I promise to write every day because it's hard trying to remember all this crap that goes on in my life. LOL Thanks for listening and God Bless.
OK, so on another note, if you read my blog last week you know that I had another interview today with a medical center in High Point. So first what happened was on Tuesday, the interviewer called me and told me that she had to change the interview location to another place in High Point so I wrote down the directions and told her I'd be there on Thursday as planned. The interview was today at 9 am and guess what she did? She called me at 8 am to tell me that she had an emergency and had to call me back to reschedule the interview. So at this point, I'm already showered, in the process of pulling my girdle over my problem areas, and ready to head out the door. So I asked her in a calm tone, "When do you think it will be rescheduled for?" and she was like, "Either later today or tomorrow morning". So I'm thinking, she's going to call me back within the hour to set something up. NOPE It is now 1:44 am and she has not called me back. So I think something fishy is going on. First she changes the location of the interview, then an hour before the interview is supposed to take place, she cancels and can't give me a new interview time. Either she has already found her candidate and she doesn't want to bother with me or maybe they don't need to hire anyone. Who knows. For all of you reading, tell me what you think. Do you think she's lying and hopes that I just don't call back and forget about the job or do you think it's all a coincidence?
But something good did happen today. I got a call from this call center called Deluxe in Greensboro and I had an over the phone interview and apparently he liked my answers because I have another phone interview on Monday. I'm hoping that goes well because God knows I need a job. Also backing up a day on Wednesday, my husband and I went to look at this house because we are still planning to move and strangely enough it was literally down the street. I'm talking about a minute walk, down the street. LOL And when we got there, we realized that this white guy used to live there because when I used to walk the dogs, his dog would escape every now and then and he would come out cussing the dog out demanding that he return to the house. Anyway, to put it nicely, THE HOUSE WAS A MESS! Basically we walk in and without warning the place had not yet been cleaned, painted, heck half the guys stuff was still there, including his huge dog cage that took up one of the rooms. Now just to give you an idea of what we're used to. We live in a 1700 sq ft house with 3 bedrooms, a bath and a half, a den, a living room, a sun room (aka the dog room) and a laundry room/supply closet. So this house isn't that bad. But the house we saw had 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, and a living room. I'm not joking when I say this house was literally half the size of our house now and she was trying to charge $25 more in rent than what we're paying. There were hardwoods throughout the house but 3 of the bedrooms were small and the 4th barely was big enough to be an office. Then the kitchen was tiny and you had to put your washer and dryer in there. Then we go to look at the "master bathroom" attached to the bedroom and it had dookie stains in it and apparently the previous tenant took the shower head because there was just a pipe sticking out of the wall. First of all the realtor should not have shown us the house until it was cleaned, painted, and repaired. Second they need to lower than rent to around $650 because I stayed in a house that was larger than that for $550 for 3 years. Third, I have found that I am now going to ask how many sq ft there are in a property before viewing it along with their pet policy, and if the yard has a fence. These 3 things are very important in determining if we're going to live somewhere. So needless to say, we didn't contact that company again.
So then, I guess after the disappointment of that house, we decided to drive around the park that I walk my dogs in and see if any of those homes are for rent and we found a few. There was one that actually was 2 doors down from one of our good friends house and I called and left a message at the number that was posted on the for rent sign. Then I called and called and called and they didn't answer. The reason we wanted to find out about that house is because it looked large on the outside, had a fully fenced in yard, and is close to our friend who happens to be a black belt so added protection there. LOL They still haven't called back though. Then we called a few others but they haven't called us back. But we do have an appointment to go look at a house in a country setting tomorrow so I'm hoping this one will be great. I'm so excited. I mean moving totally sucks but after everything is moved and in it's place, especially if you're upgrading to a nice home, it's all worth it.
But today after my interviewer "cancelled" the interview, I went back to sleep because I didn't know whether she was going to call me and tell me to come in an hour or what. But like I said she still hasn't called me. But after I woke up, I did some cleaning around the house and then watched Y & R with my husband and then some Law and Order and then some Private Practice. Private Practice was very sad. I looked over and my husband was crying for God's sake! Anyway that was my last few days and I promise to write every day because it's hard trying to remember all this crap that goes on in my life. LOL Thanks for listening and God Bless.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day!
So today I woke up around 11 and I fed all the pets and my husband called me and asked me if my mom was at home because every year he gives her something small for Valentine's day. So I told him that she was home and he went over there and gave her a balloon, 2 small stuffed animals, and a box of chocolates which she loved. She of course thanked him and told him he didn't have to keep doing this every year but of course, he will because he's such a sweetie. So then I started eating my breakfast and my husband rang the door and he had an alien valentines stuffed animal, 2 huge balloons and a box of chocolates so I was happy. I'm not really the jewelry type so I enjoyed my gifts.
So then I got ready and we went to Macaroni Grill at Friendly Shopping Center in Greensboro. I love their food and no one has better calamari than them. So we enjoyed ourselves there and then came home. So my husband and I were both unusually tired afterwards so we were going to take a nap together but by the time I got in the bed to sleep, he decided to stay up. So I took a nap and when I woke up, I ate the leftovers from Macaroni Grill and watched wrestling with my husband. Then I just chilled here at the house.
On another note, I have a testing session tomorrow at United Health Care for a job. I've gone there before for the same position and the same testing but last time, after I took the test, they sent me an e-mail saying I didn't get the job. Hopefully this time will be better because it's in the middle of Greensboro off of Elm St. and the pay and benefits are great. Also I still have that interview in High Point at this medical center behind High Point Regional Hospital. So wish me luck please. So that was pretty much my day. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
So then I got ready and we went to Macaroni Grill at Friendly Shopping Center in Greensboro. I love their food and no one has better calamari than them. So we enjoyed ourselves there and then came home. So my husband and I were both unusually tired afterwards so we were going to take a nap together but by the time I got in the bed to sleep, he decided to stay up. So I took a nap and when I woke up, I ate the leftovers from Macaroni Grill and watched wrestling with my husband. Then I just chilled here at the house.
On another note, I have a testing session tomorrow at United Health Care for a job. I've gone there before for the same position and the same testing but last time, after I took the test, they sent me an e-mail saying I didn't get the job. Hopefully this time will be better because it's in the middle of Greensboro off of Elm St. and the pay and benefits are great. Also I still have that interview in High Point at this medical center behind High Point Regional Hospital. So wish me luck please. So that was pretty much my day. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
Monday, February 14, 2011
A Great Night Watching the Grammy's
So I woke up today around 1 pm, I guess because I was making up for the sleep I didn't get yesterday and I decided to do some dishes and watch the Celtics and Heat game. Well yet again the Celtics won over them. GO CELTICS!!! Then my husband and I ate some lunch and continued to clean. Then once 8 hit, I watched the Grammy's. I though the performances were great for the most part but I am mad that Suburban band won album of the year. I mean their performances were just weird. But I am glad that Lady Antebellum won 2 Grammy's.
But as for the dressing, I thought Rhianna's dress was beautiful and Barbra Streisand was gorgeous. And even though Lady Gaga looked atrocious as usual, I'm proud of her for having her own style. But my question is what was Niki Minaj wearing? It looked like her hair was attached to her hat and she had way too much leopard print on. Also Marc Anthony looked drunk and that football player that came out from the Packers looked like he was going to the grocery store, not the Grammy's. I thought that Rhianna's performance was sexy as ever and I know a lot of people are hating sayin that it was slutty but my thing is, if you have it then flaunt it and that girl knows how to work it. I thought Eminem's performance was good but I think he always sounds so angry when he raps. Bruno Mars performance was great especially when it was black and white and he did a retro version of his hit "grenade".
I would write more about them but honestly I'm so tired I can hardly stay awake and plus tomorrow is Valentine's day and I don't' want to sleep the whole day away while my husband is here. But those are a few of my thoughts on the Grammy's. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
But as for the dressing, I thought Rhianna's dress was beautiful and Barbra Streisand was gorgeous. And even though Lady Gaga looked atrocious as usual, I'm proud of her for having her own style. But my question is what was Niki Minaj wearing? It looked like her hair was attached to her hat and she had way too much leopard print on. Also Marc Anthony looked drunk and that football player that came out from the Packers looked like he was going to the grocery store, not the Grammy's. I thought that Rhianna's performance was sexy as ever and I know a lot of people are hating sayin that it was slutty but my thing is, if you have it then flaunt it and that girl knows how to work it. I thought Eminem's performance was good but I think he always sounds so angry when he raps. Bruno Mars performance was great especially when it was black and white and he did a retro version of his hit "grenade".
I would write more about them but honestly I'm so tired I can hardly stay awake and plus tomorrow is Valentine's day and I don't' want to sleep the whole day away while my husband is here. But those are a few of my thoughts on the Grammy's. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Yard Sale Day!
So I finally made it to yard sales today after getting a flat tire 2 weeks ago and having to prepare for company last week, this week I finally made it. Anyway, my mom and I went to about 4 of them and the first one we went to was in a trailer park and nothing is wrong with that but when we got there, there was a Mexican family there and the whole family pitched in in helping us. First there was a little boy who asked us what we were looking for and I noticed that there were 2 storage stackable units that I thought I could use to display my duckies. So they were only $2 each and then he told me that the other smaller brass and glass corner display case was $1 but I told him I only wanted the first 2 white ones. This little salesman was like "Why don't you take all 3?" and I thought that was so cute so I ended up taking them. Then he helped me carry them to my car like a gentlemen and told me the clothes were 2 for a dollar. So I start looking through the clothes and I saw they had some New Balance shoes. I love New Balance because I have a foot condition and any podiatrist will tell you that New Balance is the best shoe for your foot. So you won't believe what I found. They actually had 2 pair of New Balance shoes in my size. I wear an 11 Wide shoe so you can imagine how little times I find shoes in my size at yards sales or thrift stores. So the shoes were $1! So I got 2 like new looking New Balance shoes in my size for 2 BUCKS! Then I started looking for inventory for my business and the other family members were very nice and asked me what size I was looking for and I told them any size. I ended up getting lots of shoes, clothes, jackets etc... for $26 including the storage units I got. But the funny thing is that I was standing there getting a lot of stuff and first the little boy asked me if I wanted this beautiful wood table but it was $40 and I said I didn't have that much and then his father came out of the trailer out of nowhere and was like "Do you want this Jacket", like he had pulled it out of his closet and I was like, "it depends on the price" and he was like, "2 bucks", so I was like yeah that's fine. So I guess they figured that since I was buying so much stuff that I would like that too.
So then we went to another yard sale where you could tell the people were outdoor type because they had snow boards, construction equipment, etc. But I ended up getting this cute monkey that moves around and some kitchen stuff all for $2. Then we went to another yard sale and there was just a man there and it was pretty small but I got some hedge clippers, some cassette tapes for my business, and another air wick plug in. But this guy was kind of weird. You could tell that something was just up with him. Like I asked him, "How much for the hedge clippers" and he was like, "$2" and then he would just walk away. Then he started picking random things off of tables and holding them strangely. My mom thought that maybe he was a vet that had some mental issues or something. But who cares, I still got a great deal. Then we went to an estate sale and those are sometimes sad because most likely they're held because someone has passed away and their family needs their items sold. So I hit the jackpot with this one. I got a large measuring glass cup, the good kind, a colorful mixing bowl, 2 JFK mini statues, some refrigerator magnets, some cute cat bowl holders, a jewelry box, and I think that's it but there were really nice things there and because we got there late in the sale, everything was half off.
So after we left the estate sale, we went to Goodwill on Cone Blvd and found out that at the end of this month they will be moving to Pisgah Church Rd where the Walgreen's is. So it's kind of sad because we love that goodwill but it will be in a better location. But we noticed something was up when we walked in because half of the shelves were gone in the store. But I got a larger makeup bag for my makeup so it can all be in one central area and I got these things that are supposed to prevent your sheets from sliding off your bed so hopefully they'll work. Then after Goodwill, we went to wal mart and then I took my mom home and came home. Now last night I only got maybe 4 hours of sleep so when I got home tonight, I immediately went to sleep for 4 hours! Then my husband tried to call me to ask me about dinner and I don't remember anything he said but he woke me up when he got home to tell me that he had gotten some Captain D's which I love.
So then we watched the soaps and some Dr. Phil and then my cat, Stripes did this strange thing. I noticed that lately he's been pawing at the kitchen floor as if he's trying to clean it or something so I told him to stop because that could indicate that he's spraying (wen a cat pees in various areas to mark their territory). So after I told him to stop, he comes and jumps on our new couch next to me which is completely normal but then I saw that he shook his tail and I was like "I know you didn't just pee on our new couch" and he ran away. Well I smelled it and sure enough it had a faint cat pee smell. So I freaked out and picked him up and we put him in the cage because we can't have cats peeing on new furniture! So we're thinking that maybe he has a urinary tract infection or something but we're going to take him to the vet. Thank God I found it in time because after I cleaned the couch, the smell completely went away because otherwise I would have killed my cat. So now all of the cats are in the cat room because all the litter boxes are in there and he needs to be able to eat and use the litterbox.
But anyway that was my crazy day with the yard sales, wal mart, and a hopefully not too sick cat. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
So then we went to another yard sale where you could tell the people were outdoor type because they had snow boards, construction equipment, etc. But I ended up getting this cute monkey that moves around and some kitchen stuff all for $2. Then we went to another yard sale and there was just a man there and it was pretty small but I got some hedge clippers, some cassette tapes for my business, and another air wick plug in. But this guy was kind of weird. You could tell that something was just up with him. Like I asked him, "How much for the hedge clippers" and he was like, "$2" and then he would just walk away. Then he started picking random things off of tables and holding them strangely. My mom thought that maybe he was a vet that had some mental issues or something. But who cares, I still got a great deal. Then we went to an estate sale and those are sometimes sad because most likely they're held because someone has passed away and their family needs their items sold. So I hit the jackpot with this one. I got a large measuring glass cup, the good kind, a colorful mixing bowl, 2 JFK mini statues, some refrigerator magnets, some cute cat bowl holders, a jewelry box, and I think that's it but there were really nice things there and because we got there late in the sale, everything was half off.
So after we left the estate sale, we went to Goodwill on Cone Blvd and found out that at the end of this month they will be moving to Pisgah Church Rd where the Walgreen's is. So it's kind of sad because we love that goodwill but it will be in a better location. But we noticed something was up when we walked in because half of the shelves were gone in the store. But I got a larger makeup bag for my makeup so it can all be in one central area and I got these things that are supposed to prevent your sheets from sliding off your bed so hopefully they'll work. Then after Goodwill, we went to wal mart and then I took my mom home and came home. Now last night I only got maybe 4 hours of sleep so when I got home tonight, I immediately went to sleep for 4 hours! Then my husband tried to call me to ask me about dinner and I don't remember anything he said but he woke me up when he got home to tell me that he had gotten some Captain D's which I love.
So then we watched the soaps and some Dr. Phil and then my cat, Stripes did this strange thing. I noticed that lately he's been pawing at the kitchen floor as if he's trying to clean it or something so I told him to stop because that could indicate that he's spraying (wen a cat pees in various areas to mark their territory). So after I told him to stop, he comes and jumps on our new couch next to me which is completely normal but then I saw that he shook his tail and I was like "I know you didn't just pee on our new couch" and he ran away. Well I smelled it and sure enough it had a faint cat pee smell. So I freaked out and picked him up and we put him in the cage because we can't have cats peeing on new furniture! So we're thinking that maybe he has a urinary tract infection or something but we're going to take him to the vet. Thank God I found it in time because after I cleaned the couch, the smell completely went away because otherwise I would have killed my cat. So now all of the cats are in the cat room because all the litter boxes are in there and he needs to be able to eat and use the litterbox.
But anyway that was my crazy day with the yard sales, wal mart, and a hopefully not too sick cat. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
I Have an Interview!
So today I finally finished the laundry around my house. If you read in other blogs, I got really behind because I was sick and other reasons. So today I finished all the clothes, blankets, sheets, and even got around to washing my doggy blankets. LOL So I'm happy about that. So today I was woken up by a doorbell and I didn't know who it could be. I thought maybe it was the mail woman delivering my purse that I ordered from ebay but unfortunately it wasn't. It's coming from Thailand so it could take a while. But the person at the door was the city inspector. So my husband gave him the documents that we received from the bank stating that our landlord had defaulted on his loan. So the inspector then went to his car and called the landlord to see what was going on because the city already is charging this man fees for not fixing our property and the house as already been deemed uninhabitable. So then the city inspector came back and said that when he called the landlord that the landlord said that the bank was starting foreclosure proceedings on the house. So what that means is that the city has to now ask the bank to fix everything in the house but that also means that the whole process of requesting everything to be done and the deadlines, etc.. has started over. So after the city inspector heard this, he told my husband that the landlord obviously isn't going to fix anything because the bank now owns the property. You would think the landlord would have the decency to tell us that the house is being foreclosed on but no. So we definately are still looking for another place to live.
So then after I got more rest, I woke up and started finishing the laundry and originally I was going to go shopping but then after I talked to my mom about some things that we didn't agree on, I just didn't feel like being around her. Being a Christian, sometimes the Lord just gives you feelings or vibes about someone or something. And after our convo, I just felt like today just wasn't the day to go shopping with her. Plus I wasn't feeling all that great. So when I casually told her that Saturday would be a better day to go, she freaked out and was saying that I messed her whole day up because she had plans to rake the yard on Saturday and that she was prepared to go out today. Now keep in mind that in years past, my mom has cancelled for a number of reasons or rescheduled. Sometimes the reasons are legitimate like her being sick or having to go and do something else unexpectedly but sometimes she'll just be like, "Oh let's just go tomorrow" and not give a reason at all and I'm cool with that. I'm not working now so the sky's the limit on when I can go shopping. But she's on the phone telling me that "when you have kids, you can't just tell them that you can't go somewhere you planned to go just because you have to do laundry or something else" and I'm thinking, my mom isn't my child. It's ridiculous that she would even make that analogy because when I do have my children, I'm going to be a great mom who never abuses my children, treats them with respect, and let's them know that whatever they want to be or do in life, it's fine with me. I'm not going to be like her and I HATE IT when she tries to say, I'm going to parent like her. First, I'm not crazy like her. I might be a little crazy in the things I like and how I act but I'm not psycho like her. Second, if I discipline my children, it may be a time out or a light spanking, but not abuse like her. Third, there are just a lot of things that we disagree on in terms of ideals and her way of thinking is so different than mine on so many levels. Anyway after our convo, I just decided that it was best to not hang out with her today. So tomorrow we're going to yard sales so I can get some inventory for my business.
On another note, around 3 pm, I got a call from a medical center in High Point, NC and they set up an interview next Thursday but I don't even know what it is. I mean I've applied to so many jobs, I have no clue but I do know that I mostly apply to customer service and clerical positions so it should be something along those lines. I'm just glad to get a call back from someone I applied with. So my husband went out with his friends to see a movie around 4:30 and I stayed here and tried to seriously watch and delete a bunch of stuff off of my DVR. Somehow between me starting my business back up and being sick, I accumulated over 10 episodes of Dr. Phil, 7 of Oprah, and all the episodes of Live to Dance and American Idol. So today I watched 9 episodes of Dr, Phil. LOL
In case you're wondering, our dogs are doing great. There was a little mishap where they escaped about 2 weeks ago and kept escaping and almost got hit by a car and were aggressively barking at the neighbors and we had to keep them on their chains until we could seriously do some plugging up of holes. But when my husband was free, we both went out there and moved some things around and it hasn't been a problem since. At this point, instead of them coming in the house every now and then and then being out most of the day, it's the opposite. They actually prefer to be in the house sleep most of the day and night and to go out only to use the bathroom. Now I know you're thinking, "that's what most inside dogs do", but mine weren't like that before. They were wild, energetic, crazy dogs that just wanted to go out and escape and get into trouble and now they just want to chill. I mean before my husband and I couldn't go in the back of the house because we thought they would go in the kitchen and try to get food or climb on the new furniture but they don't do that. They are doing great. But that was pretty much my day in a nutshell. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
So then after I got more rest, I woke up and started finishing the laundry and originally I was going to go shopping but then after I talked to my mom about some things that we didn't agree on, I just didn't feel like being around her. Being a Christian, sometimes the Lord just gives you feelings or vibes about someone or something. And after our convo, I just felt like today just wasn't the day to go shopping with her. Plus I wasn't feeling all that great. So when I casually told her that Saturday would be a better day to go, she freaked out and was saying that I messed her whole day up because she had plans to rake the yard on Saturday and that she was prepared to go out today. Now keep in mind that in years past, my mom has cancelled for a number of reasons or rescheduled. Sometimes the reasons are legitimate like her being sick or having to go and do something else unexpectedly but sometimes she'll just be like, "Oh let's just go tomorrow" and not give a reason at all and I'm cool with that. I'm not working now so the sky's the limit on when I can go shopping. But she's on the phone telling me that "when you have kids, you can't just tell them that you can't go somewhere you planned to go just because you have to do laundry or something else" and I'm thinking, my mom isn't my child. It's ridiculous that she would even make that analogy because when I do have my children, I'm going to be a great mom who never abuses my children, treats them with respect, and let's them know that whatever they want to be or do in life, it's fine with me. I'm not going to be like her and I HATE IT when she tries to say, I'm going to parent like her. First, I'm not crazy like her. I might be a little crazy in the things I like and how I act but I'm not psycho like her. Second, if I discipline my children, it may be a time out or a light spanking, but not abuse like her. Third, there are just a lot of things that we disagree on in terms of ideals and her way of thinking is so different than mine on so many levels. Anyway after our convo, I just decided that it was best to not hang out with her today. So tomorrow we're going to yard sales so I can get some inventory for my business.
On another note, around 3 pm, I got a call from a medical center in High Point, NC and they set up an interview next Thursday but I don't even know what it is. I mean I've applied to so many jobs, I have no clue but I do know that I mostly apply to customer service and clerical positions so it should be something along those lines. I'm just glad to get a call back from someone I applied with. So my husband went out with his friends to see a movie around 4:30 and I stayed here and tried to seriously watch and delete a bunch of stuff off of my DVR. Somehow between me starting my business back up and being sick, I accumulated over 10 episodes of Dr. Phil, 7 of Oprah, and all the episodes of Live to Dance and American Idol. So today I watched 9 episodes of Dr, Phil. LOL
In case you're wondering, our dogs are doing great. There was a little mishap where they escaped about 2 weeks ago and kept escaping and almost got hit by a car and were aggressively barking at the neighbors and we had to keep them on their chains until we could seriously do some plugging up of holes. But when my husband was free, we both went out there and moved some things around and it hasn't been a problem since. At this point, instead of them coming in the house every now and then and then being out most of the day, it's the opposite. They actually prefer to be in the house sleep most of the day and night and to go out only to use the bathroom. Now I know you're thinking, "that's what most inside dogs do", but mine weren't like that before. They were wild, energetic, crazy dogs that just wanted to go out and escape and get into trouble and now they just want to chill. I mean before my husband and I couldn't go in the back of the house because we thought they would go in the kitchen and try to get food or climb on the new furniture but they don't do that. They are doing great. But that was pretty much my day in a nutshell. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Great Day With My Mom and Husband
So this morning, my husband woke me up and suggested that later we go to this restaurant called "PF Changs" in Greensboro. Now this restaurant is basically an upscale Chinese restaurant and the prices won't kill you but it ain't no Chinese take out special prices either. But their food is wonderful. So anyway he said he'd be home around 4 and we could go then. So I was really surprised that he wanted to go there on a whim like that but I wasn't complaining. So when he got home, he asked me if I wanted to invite my mom to come with us and I reminded him of the prices and the fact that he would probably have to pay for her but he was fine with that. So of course my mom wanted to come with us. So we picked her up around 5 and went to the restaurant and the food was delicious as usual. Their food is not heavy or processed and the service is phenomenal. I believe it's a national chain so hopefully all of you reading can find one in your areas as well. So after we left, we went to radio shack to pick up an audio video cable for my mom and then we went to my mom's house and helped her with her TV.
Now my husband saw today first hand why my mom and I can't live together. So we had already agreed in radio shack that I would hook everything up for her TV and DVD player and make it easier for her to switch between cable, DVD, and VHS. But when we got to the house, she proceeded to hook it up herself and I was like "Now are you sure you're hooking it up right" and she was like "yeah". So then I offered to just hook it up for her and set it up on the remote and she just ignored me because she was so determined to do it herself. So she's behind this huge TV and hooking the wires up to God knows where and I had the remote, ready to program away. Well I'm not lying when I say after only 3 seconds of me trying to program the remote, she comes over to me and starts pressing random buttons. So I'm like "stop it, let me think for a second so I can program this". So then maybe another 30 seconds later she starts heading to the back of the TV ready to start playing the "guess where the wire goes game" and I stopped her and said, "wait a second mom, I'm still trying to figure out how to program the remote". So she waits maybe another 5 seconds and proceeds to start pulling wires out and placing them in random jacks in the back of the TV. When I realized that she wasn't going to let me do the wiring, I tried to walk her through it by asking her if the wires were going in the input or output and she just ignored me again. So long story short, we ended up yelling at each other like schoolgirls having a fight on the playground and she said she was going to call me when she had it figured out. The whole point of the hooking up of her TV is so that she can switch between her cable, DVD, and VHS without having to get up and physically move the wires in the back of the TV. I mean it's not rocket science people but she was determined to not let me help. This is why we can't live together. It's ridiculous. Needless to say, even at 3:26 am she still has not fixed it yet so one day while I'm over there and she's in the bathroom or something, I'm going to fix it all and voilla! it'll be fixed. But we gave her a DVD copy of the movie "The Colored Girls" and she was able to see that so that's all that matters to me right now because I think she could learn a thing or two from that movie. LOL
Anyway after we left my mom's house, we went home and watched the Celtics Lakers game and my boys in green lost BUT Ray Allen passed Reggie Miller in career 3 pointers. So he now holds the record for the most 3 pointers in a career. GO BOSTON! Then we watched the Young and the Restless together. That's right, TOGETHER. My husband no longer allows me to watch the soaps alone because he is now addicted to them. I also watch the Bold and the Beautiful but he's not into that.
On another note, I received a call from one landlord saying that they wouldn't allow as many pets as I have and another landlord called and asked me if my dogs were inside or outside and they said they would get back with me on whether the owner would allow that. I'm thinking that Thundercat's suggestion might be one to take because it's to the point where people won't even rent to us. I mean the truth is that I feel like I'm cleaner than most people who have pets just because I'm so paranoid that someone is going to just pop by one day. Whether it's the police looking for someone (and yes that has happened to me before) or my landlord to "check in" or family, friends, etc... So not only do I keep my home neat but I go the extra step to make sure that if you didn't know I had animals, you wouldn't be able to tell when you walk in. My brother in law came in one day to deliver some furniture and he said "I can't believe you have animals, it's so clean in here" and that made my year. My friend's wife came in and said "you keep your house immaculate" and that also made my year. So I know that I can say all of this to these landlords and it won't mean anything to them because they don't know me or trust me but they really have nothing to worry about when it comes to my animals.
I applied to a few jobs today and haven't heard anything back yet but I am going to call a few people tomorrow just to check on my application status. Well that was my day. Thank you for listening and God Bless.
Now my husband saw today first hand why my mom and I can't live together. So we had already agreed in radio shack that I would hook everything up for her TV and DVD player and make it easier for her to switch between cable, DVD, and VHS. But when we got to the house, she proceeded to hook it up herself and I was like "Now are you sure you're hooking it up right" and she was like "yeah". So then I offered to just hook it up for her and set it up on the remote and she just ignored me because she was so determined to do it herself. So she's behind this huge TV and hooking the wires up to God knows where and I had the remote, ready to program away. Well I'm not lying when I say after only 3 seconds of me trying to program the remote, she comes over to me and starts pressing random buttons. So I'm like "stop it, let me think for a second so I can program this". So then maybe another 30 seconds later she starts heading to the back of the TV ready to start playing the "guess where the wire goes game" and I stopped her and said, "wait a second mom, I'm still trying to figure out how to program the remote". So she waits maybe another 5 seconds and proceeds to start pulling wires out and placing them in random jacks in the back of the TV. When I realized that she wasn't going to let me do the wiring, I tried to walk her through it by asking her if the wires were going in the input or output and she just ignored me again. So long story short, we ended up yelling at each other like schoolgirls having a fight on the playground and she said she was going to call me when she had it figured out. The whole point of the hooking up of her TV is so that she can switch between her cable, DVD, and VHS without having to get up and physically move the wires in the back of the TV. I mean it's not rocket science people but she was determined to not let me help. This is why we can't live together. It's ridiculous. Needless to say, even at 3:26 am she still has not fixed it yet so one day while I'm over there and she's in the bathroom or something, I'm going to fix it all and voilla! it'll be fixed. But we gave her a DVD copy of the movie "The Colored Girls" and she was able to see that so that's all that matters to me right now because I think she could learn a thing or two from that movie. LOL
Anyway after we left my mom's house, we went home and watched the Celtics Lakers game and my boys in green lost BUT Ray Allen passed Reggie Miller in career 3 pointers. So he now holds the record for the most 3 pointers in a career. GO BOSTON! Then we watched the Young and the Restless together. That's right, TOGETHER. My husband no longer allows me to watch the soaps alone because he is now addicted to them. I also watch the Bold and the Beautiful but he's not into that.
On another note, I received a call from one landlord saying that they wouldn't allow as many pets as I have and another landlord called and asked me if my dogs were inside or outside and they said they would get back with me on whether the owner would allow that. I'm thinking that Thundercat's suggestion might be one to take because it's to the point where people won't even rent to us. I mean the truth is that I feel like I'm cleaner than most people who have pets just because I'm so paranoid that someone is going to just pop by one day. Whether it's the police looking for someone (and yes that has happened to me before) or my landlord to "check in" or family, friends, etc... So not only do I keep my home neat but I go the extra step to make sure that if you didn't know I had animals, you wouldn't be able to tell when you walk in. My brother in law came in one day to deliver some furniture and he said "I can't believe you have animals, it's so clean in here" and that made my year. My friend's wife came in and said "you keep your house immaculate" and that also made my year. So I know that I can say all of this to these landlords and it won't mean anything to them because they don't know me or trust me but they really have nothing to worry about when it comes to my animals.
I applied to a few jobs today and haven't heard anything back yet but I am going to call a few people tomorrow just to check on my application status. Well that was my day. Thank you for listening and God Bless.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
An Informative and Productive Day
So today I decided to call around get some information on some rental properties because we most likely will have to move soon thanks to our loser of a landlord. So whenever I call these various landlords, property management groups, etc.., I always run into the same problem - My Pets. So it's not like we have 2 cats and that's it. We have 4 cats inside, 2 outside, 2 dogs, and 2 guinea pigs but of course we only tell the landlords that we have 4 cats and 2 dogs because those are the ones that will have contact with the house. So some people are flexible about the pet policy and others are just ridiculous. Now this is the thing, If you don't want me living there because of my animals then just say so. I have no problem with hanging up and going to the next property for rent. It won't hurt my feelings but when people treat me with no respect and take me for a fool then that pisses me off.
What I mean by that (i.e) Today the first person I talked to said that it's $250 for each pet so I politely told them how many pets I had and if it would be $250 times 6 because of my animals and they said most likely, but they would have to call me back tomorrow with a final answer. Now do they really expect me to pay
$1500 for a pet deposit?! No they just don't want that many pets in their home which is completely understandable. But again don't play me for a fool. Then I called another property management place and an elderly woman answered and asked if I had seen the property yet and I told her no, but that I had some questions about the pet policy. So she asked how many I had and I told her and I proceeded to ask about the deposit and she just cut me off and was like "TOO MANY, TOO MANY" and I was like, "Oh OK is that for all of your properties or for just this one?" and she cut me off again and was like "ALL OF THEM, ALL OF THEM" yelling at me like I was some house nigga. So I was like OK have a nice day. But that stuff discourages me when I can't get respect. So then I call another listing which was a little vague. It only listed the rent price, bedrooms, and the city but I called anyway. So I knew that something was off when the person on the line had to ask me to describe the listing on craigslist. Long story short, it was a rental agency that charged $69.99 just to get a list of rental properties in Greensboro. WTF?! Have they lost their minds? In this economy it's hard enough to get enough money to move in the first place. So after that I called another landlord and he was very nice.
When I told him about the animals he kindly told me he'd have to ask the owner of the house about how much it would be and I briefly told him about my situation with my landlord not paying the mortgage on the house that we currently rent. He told me I should get a real estate lawyer and that I should not pay anyone any rent until I do so. According to him, under NC State law, they can't make us move for a long time. So I called a lawyer and got some free advice over the phone. He told me that there is a federal law that protects those people who are renting and their house gets foreclosed on. So with that law, we could actually get 3 months past our lease to still live here and save up for moving. On the other hand there is a similar state law that makes it so that we could break our lease and move and not pay rent because the house we're paying for is going into foreclosure. Then I told him about the whole city considering this property uninhabitable and he said that I could literally use the federal law which also requires the house to be habitable and not pay the bank because of that. But basically he suggested not paying anything and then staying here until April which is the end of our lease. But get this! So he asked me who my landlord was and I told him the first name and then the company name. How about he knew who I was talking about and said that he is "becoming infamous in doing these things". Basically saying that I'm not the first person that has been royally screwed by this guy. So that tells me there's probably not a chance that he's going to start making payments on this property again and we most likely will have to move in April. So we may end up hiring this lawyer but first my husband is going to call the bank, our landlord, and the city inspector tomorrow to see where we stand.
So after I finished calling around, I decided to apply to a bunch of jobs. I've worked in call centers before and even though I hate them, they are sometimes easy to get hired on to because they always need people. So I applied to a few of those and any other customer service jobs I could find. Then I started doing laundry. Now today's laundry was something else! What happened was, a few weeks ago I got sick, real sick, but the only symptom I had was a fever. My theory is that because I got the flu shot, my body fought off the full flu virus and only left me with a fever. But you know how horrible you feel when you have a fever. I had no energy, my arms, legs, and head felt like they weighed a ton, and I just slept all day. So between sweating out the fever over and over again, I went through like 10 blankets. Well that's all the blankets I have. Then shortly after I got better, I decided to do my ebay business full time which took all my time. Plus we had social functions here at the house so I was only focused on getting the main rooms clean. Then when we got the big screen TV, we had to put the boxes from that and the surround sound somewhere hidden from our company so we put them in our bedroom. Plus we had to find a place for our other smaller TV and that went in the bedroom as well. So with all this going on, piles and piles of laundry were piling up on top of TVs, boxes, you name it. So today when I went to do the laundry it was an athletic event. But I'm still doing it now and will probably do it tomorrow all day too. I will never let it get this way again.
So after I started the laundry, my husband and I watched the Duke and Carolina game. GO TARHEELS! But Duke won so that sucked. Then we watched some Law and Order SVU, The Cape, and I FINALLY watched the finale for Amazing Race. Now I'm catching up on today's episode of The Talk. But on another note, the other day, I saw the movie "The Color Purple" FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER and I loved it. I mean what a wonderful movie. It got me to do my ugly cry at the end but what a masterpiece. Anyway that was my day in a nutshell. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
What I mean by that (i.e) Today the first person I talked to said that it's $250 for each pet so I politely told them how many pets I had and if it would be $250 times 6 because of my animals and they said most likely, but they would have to call me back tomorrow with a final answer. Now do they really expect me to pay
$1500 for a pet deposit?! No they just don't want that many pets in their home which is completely understandable. But again don't play me for a fool. Then I called another property management place and an elderly woman answered and asked if I had seen the property yet and I told her no, but that I had some questions about the pet policy. So she asked how many I had and I told her and I proceeded to ask about the deposit and she just cut me off and was like "TOO MANY, TOO MANY" and I was like, "Oh OK is that for all of your properties or for just this one?" and she cut me off again and was like "ALL OF THEM, ALL OF THEM" yelling at me like I was some house nigga. So I was like OK have a nice day. But that stuff discourages me when I can't get respect. So then I call another listing which was a little vague. It only listed the rent price, bedrooms, and the city but I called anyway. So I knew that something was off when the person on the line had to ask me to describe the listing on craigslist. Long story short, it was a rental agency that charged $69.99 just to get a list of rental properties in Greensboro. WTF?! Have they lost their minds? In this economy it's hard enough to get enough money to move in the first place. So after that I called another landlord and he was very nice.
When I told him about the animals he kindly told me he'd have to ask the owner of the house about how much it would be and I briefly told him about my situation with my landlord not paying the mortgage on the house that we currently rent. He told me I should get a real estate lawyer and that I should not pay anyone any rent until I do so. According to him, under NC State law, they can't make us move for a long time. So I called a lawyer and got some free advice over the phone. He told me that there is a federal law that protects those people who are renting and their house gets foreclosed on. So with that law, we could actually get 3 months past our lease to still live here and save up for moving. On the other hand there is a similar state law that makes it so that we could break our lease and move and not pay rent because the house we're paying for is going into foreclosure. Then I told him about the whole city considering this property uninhabitable and he said that I could literally use the federal law which also requires the house to be habitable and not pay the bank because of that. But basically he suggested not paying anything and then staying here until April which is the end of our lease. But get this! So he asked me who my landlord was and I told him the first name and then the company name. How about he knew who I was talking about and said that he is "becoming infamous in doing these things". Basically saying that I'm not the first person that has been royally screwed by this guy. So that tells me there's probably not a chance that he's going to start making payments on this property again and we most likely will have to move in April. So we may end up hiring this lawyer but first my husband is going to call the bank, our landlord, and the city inspector tomorrow to see where we stand.
So after I finished calling around, I decided to apply to a bunch of jobs. I've worked in call centers before and even though I hate them, they are sometimes easy to get hired on to because they always need people. So I applied to a few of those and any other customer service jobs I could find. Then I started doing laundry. Now today's laundry was something else! What happened was, a few weeks ago I got sick, real sick, but the only symptom I had was a fever. My theory is that because I got the flu shot, my body fought off the full flu virus and only left me with a fever. But you know how horrible you feel when you have a fever. I had no energy, my arms, legs, and head felt like they weighed a ton, and I just slept all day. So between sweating out the fever over and over again, I went through like 10 blankets. Well that's all the blankets I have. Then shortly after I got better, I decided to do my ebay business full time which took all my time. Plus we had social functions here at the house so I was only focused on getting the main rooms clean. Then when we got the big screen TV, we had to put the boxes from that and the surround sound somewhere hidden from our company so we put them in our bedroom. Plus we had to find a place for our other smaller TV and that went in the bedroom as well. So with all this going on, piles and piles of laundry were piling up on top of TVs, boxes, you name it. So today when I went to do the laundry it was an athletic event. But I'm still doing it now and will probably do it tomorrow all day too. I will never let it get this way again.
So after I started the laundry, my husband and I watched the Duke and Carolina game. GO TARHEELS! But Duke won so that sucked. Then we watched some Law and Order SVU, The Cape, and I FINALLY watched the finale for Amazing Race. Now I'm catching up on today's episode of The Talk. But on another note, the other day, I saw the movie "The Color Purple" FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER and I loved it. I mean what a wonderful movie. It got me to do my ugly cry at the end but what a masterpiece. Anyway that was my day in a nutshell. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
I'm Back Again.......
So I've been away for way too long but there are a number of factors that contributed to my blogger absence. One, I've started doing my ebay business full time and that has taken a lot of time. Two, I had a Superbowl party, my dad and step mom came by to see the new TV we got, and other social events that required me to clean like a madwoman and be way to tired to blog. Plus I still don't have a job and am a little depressed about that.
But anyway the Superbowl party went great. We had a few friends over and had some pizza, wings, and cake so it was cool. And like I said before, we got a new TV! This one is a 47 inch LG HDTV and I love it. I usually don't let my husband make electronic purchases without me but I was sick and he went to HHGreg and picked this one out. It is so clear, especially on Blu Rays. So we now have 2 big screen TVs. So our den is like a game room and our living room is like a movie room.
So today, I went shopping with my mom. My intention was to get more inventory for my ebay business but that didn't happen. Back in the day, I used to be able to go to the Salvation Army Thrift store in Greensboro and get a huge bag full of clothes for 5 dollars but now they've stopped that. Probably because of the economy. So because of that, it's way more expensive for me to get inventory for my business. So today I went to High Point to their Salvation army store because they usually have good deals but they had raised their prices so I decided just to shop for myself and not the business. I ended up getting a muffin pan and a big mixing bowl there. Then we went to the Goodwill in High Point and I got one of those manual choppers for onions and other veggies. Then we ate at Mi Pueblo in High Point with my husband. Then we went to the Goodwill on west Wendover and I got, you guessed it, a rubber ducky, and one of those elevated dog dishes. You know the ones that have legs so that your dogs neck doesn't get hurt by them leaning down to eat. I also got a hummingbird feeder for the spring.
So I sell mostly clothes, shoes, and accessories for my business and you're probably thinking that salvation army prices aren't a lot for clothing but the thing is that I want to really increase the number of items I have in my store quickly so I can start bringing in some revenue. The great thing is that on the first day, I listed 11 items and I sold 3 the next day. Then the next day I listed another 11 items and I sold another 2 and so on. So I've been doing pretty good and I sell them for around $14.99 each. So my goal is get these items for a cheap as possible and then sell them at a huge profit. So I don't want to have to pay more than a dollar for clothes and 2 dollars for shoes. It sounds cheap but with all the fees that ebay charges to list the item and then sell it, that's the only way I can make a real profit. So I came to the conclusion that the best way to go is yard sales because people are desperate at yard sales. I like to play the "What do you want for all of them" game. What that is is that you see someone who wants to sell a piece of clothing for $2 each and you see they have 50 pieces of clothing all in good condition so you ask them" what do you want for all of them?" and they get overexcited because the idea of getting all that junk out of their house is more tempting than getting full price for everything they're selling. So then they say something stupid like "I don't know, $20" and I'm like Cha Ching because I just got clothing for less than 50 cents a piece. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I also sell books on and one time I went to this flea market and they had these children's books that weren't even in the greatest condition and some had $1 and some had $2 on them and there were probably at least 30 of them so I played my game and asked the question and their response was, "well some of them are 1 dollar and some 2" and I was like thank you and left. So sometimes people just won't budge but most do. So on Saturday, I plan to go to yard sales but last Saturday that was my plan as well and I ended up with a flat tire. Thank God I felt it as soon as I backed out of my driveway. But needless to say, I didn't make it to yard sales that day. But this Saturday, I will make it to yard sales.
So if you've read my past blogs you know that my landlord is a douche bag and doesn't fix anything and that we had to call the city on him. Well GUESS WHAT?! It's gotten worse. How about we got a letter from the bank that owns the house saying that he hasn't paid the mortgage on the house and that we have to pay rent to the bank from now on. WTF?!!!! So not only has this guy not fixed anything, broken the city code by renting a property out that hasn't been inspected, but now he's defaulted on his loan to the bank for this property. So I used to work at a bank in their mortgage department so I know how to read a note, deed of trust, etc... So they included a copy of the deed of trust for us to read. How about, the bank only has to give us a 10 day notice before selling the property. So they could come here and be like, Oh you only have 10 days to move. Again WTF?! Also this isn't just our property, it's 5 other properties that he's defaulted on. But does this guy care? Nope, he's too busy buying more properties in Greensboro to sell. So we had already received a letter from the city telling us that because he hadn't made the repairs yet that the property is considered unihabitable and if they don't fix it by Feb 7th that there would be more fines from the city for the landlord. Well guess what people?! It's Feb 8th and nothing still hasn't been fixed. So we came to the conclusion that we're not paying ANYONE THE DAMN RENT! Why are we gonna pay the bank the rent when they can come and sell the house right under us. Why are we going to pay the landlord if the house is condemned? So my husband told the bank that we weren't paying and why and they completly understood. Because think about it. We pay them the rent and then if we have to move, we're not going to get any of that money back and we would need it for a security deposit for another place. So we ain't paying. LOL So needless to say, I'm going to do some house hunting tomorrow and look for another place to live. Drama Drama Drama
So on anther note, I've decided to get my life back in order. I decided to do my ebay business full time again so I could bring some money into the household and I've aggresively been looking for a job. Now in a perfect world, I would bring in enough money from ebay to not have to work but right now that ain't happening until I get more inventory. Also I'm determined to go back to school in the summer at GTCC because I should be able to get financial aid again and I need to have a plan for my life. My dad and I had a conversation the other day that opened my eyes. He was very nice about it but basically told me I should be productive in my life and I feel him on that. Now don't get me wrong, I feel like I'm already productive because this ebay thing is no joke. I mean it's a one woman business. I'm the owner, manager, stocker, cashier, bookeeper, and major stockholder for all of it. LOL So when a normal person goes to work, it's like they do one job and that's it, but I handle everything. I mean I put in a lot of hours for this because when I have kids, I don't know if I want to pop them out and then 8 weeks later, hand them to some babysitter for 8 hours a day. I know a lot of women do it but if I can find a way to make this business work, I won't have to.
So after I got home from shopping today, my husband and I watched the movie "For Colored Girls" and it was soooooooooo good. I mean Tyler Perry outdid himself on this one and the actresses were outstanding. I think everyone should see it, white black, Indian, Hispanic, everyone. LOL Anyway that was my day and my rants and raves about life. I might start a seperate blog about my dreams because I've always had very complex dreams and I might just start sharing them. Look out for it. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
But anyway the Superbowl party went great. We had a few friends over and had some pizza, wings, and cake so it was cool. And like I said before, we got a new TV! This one is a 47 inch LG HDTV and I love it. I usually don't let my husband make electronic purchases without me but I was sick and he went to HHGreg and picked this one out. It is so clear, especially on Blu Rays. So we now have 2 big screen TVs. So our den is like a game room and our living room is like a movie room.
So today, I went shopping with my mom. My intention was to get more inventory for my ebay business but that didn't happen. Back in the day, I used to be able to go to the Salvation Army Thrift store in Greensboro and get a huge bag full of clothes for 5 dollars but now they've stopped that. Probably because of the economy. So because of that, it's way more expensive for me to get inventory for my business. So today I went to High Point to their Salvation army store because they usually have good deals but they had raised their prices so I decided just to shop for myself and not the business. I ended up getting a muffin pan and a big mixing bowl there. Then we went to the Goodwill in High Point and I got one of those manual choppers for onions and other veggies. Then we ate at Mi Pueblo in High Point with my husband. Then we went to the Goodwill on west Wendover and I got, you guessed it, a rubber ducky, and one of those elevated dog dishes. You know the ones that have legs so that your dogs neck doesn't get hurt by them leaning down to eat. I also got a hummingbird feeder for the spring.
So I sell mostly clothes, shoes, and accessories for my business and you're probably thinking that salvation army prices aren't a lot for clothing but the thing is that I want to really increase the number of items I have in my store quickly so I can start bringing in some revenue. The great thing is that on the first day, I listed 11 items and I sold 3 the next day. Then the next day I listed another 11 items and I sold another 2 and so on. So I've been doing pretty good and I sell them for around $14.99 each. So my goal is get these items for a cheap as possible and then sell them at a huge profit. So I don't want to have to pay more than a dollar for clothes and 2 dollars for shoes. It sounds cheap but with all the fees that ebay charges to list the item and then sell it, that's the only way I can make a real profit. So I came to the conclusion that the best way to go is yard sales because people are desperate at yard sales. I like to play the "What do you want for all of them" game. What that is is that you see someone who wants to sell a piece of clothing for $2 each and you see they have 50 pieces of clothing all in good condition so you ask them" what do you want for all of them?" and they get overexcited because the idea of getting all that junk out of their house is more tempting than getting full price for everything they're selling. So then they say something stupid like "I don't know, $20" and I'm like Cha Ching because I just got clothing for less than 50 cents a piece. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I also sell books on and one time I went to this flea market and they had these children's books that weren't even in the greatest condition and some had $1 and some had $2 on them and there were probably at least 30 of them so I played my game and asked the question and their response was, "well some of them are 1 dollar and some 2" and I was like thank you and left. So sometimes people just won't budge but most do. So on Saturday, I plan to go to yard sales but last Saturday that was my plan as well and I ended up with a flat tire. Thank God I felt it as soon as I backed out of my driveway. But needless to say, I didn't make it to yard sales that day. But this Saturday, I will make it to yard sales.
So if you've read my past blogs you know that my landlord is a douche bag and doesn't fix anything and that we had to call the city on him. Well GUESS WHAT?! It's gotten worse. How about we got a letter from the bank that owns the house saying that he hasn't paid the mortgage on the house and that we have to pay rent to the bank from now on. WTF?!!!! So not only has this guy not fixed anything, broken the city code by renting a property out that hasn't been inspected, but now he's defaulted on his loan to the bank for this property. So I used to work at a bank in their mortgage department so I know how to read a note, deed of trust, etc... So they included a copy of the deed of trust for us to read. How about, the bank only has to give us a 10 day notice before selling the property. So they could come here and be like, Oh you only have 10 days to move. Again WTF?! Also this isn't just our property, it's 5 other properties that he's defaulted on. But does this guy care? Nope, he's too busy buying more properties in Greensboro to sell. So we had already received a letter from the city telling us that because he hadn't made the repairs yet that the property is considered unihabitable and if they don't fix it by Feb 7th that there would be more fines from the city for the landlord. Well guess what people?! It's Feb 8th and nothing still hasn't been fixed. So we came to the conclusion that we're not paying ANYONE THE DAMN RENT! Why are we gonna pay the bank the rent when they can come and sell the house right under us. Why are we going to pay the landlord if the house is condemned? So my husband told the bank that we weren't paying and why and they completly understood. Because think about it. We pay them the rent and then if we have to move, we're not going to get any of that money back and we would need it for a security deposit for another place. So we ain't paying. LOL So needless to say, I'm going to do some house hunting tomorrow and look for another place to live. Drama Drama Drama
So on anther note, I've decided to get my life back in order. I decided to do my ebay business full time again so I could bring some money into the household and I've aggresively been looking for a job. Now in a perfect world, I would bring in enough money from ebay to not have to work but right now that ain't happening until I get more inventory. Also I'm determined to go back to school in the summer at GTCC because I should be able to get financial aid again and I need to have a plan for my life. My dad and I had a conversation the other day that opened my eyes. He was very nice about it but basically told me I should be productive in my life and I feel him on that. Now don't get me wrong, I feel like I'm already productive because this ebay thing is no joke. I mean it's a one woman business. I'm the owner, manager, stocker, cashier, bookeeper, and major stockholder for all of it. LOL So when a normal person goes to work, it's like they do one job and that's it, but I handle everything. I mean I put in a lot of hours for this because when I have kids, I don't know if I want to pop them out and then 8 weeks later, hand them to some babysitter for 8 hours a day. I know a lot of women do it but if I can find a way to make this business work, I won't have to.
So after I got home from shopping today, my husband and I watched the movie "For Colored Girls" and it was soooooooooo good. I mean Tyler Perry outdid himself on this one and the actresses were outstanding. I think everyone should see it, white black, Indian, Hispanic, everyone. LOL Anyway that was my day and my rants and raves about life. I might start a seperate blog about my dreams because I've always had very complex dreams and I might just start sharing them. Look out for it. Thanks for listening and God Bless.
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